伍秋萍 (WU Qiuping)
伍秋萍 (WU Qiuping)
  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Lonicerae Japonicae Flos
    Honeysuckle Flower

    Overview 概述

    Honeysuckle Flower is the dried flower bud or the flower with the initial opening of Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Fam. Caprifoliaceae). The drug is collected in early summer before the flowers open and dried.
    本品为忍冬科植物忍冬Lonicera japonica Thunb.的干燥花蕾或带初开的花。夏初花开放前采收,干燥。

    Description 性状

    Flower buds are cylindrical, upper part thick and lower part thin, slightly curved, 2-3 cm long, upper part about 3 mm in diameter, lower part about 1.5 mm in diameter; surface yellowish-white or greenish-white (becoming darker on storage), densely covered with short, soft hairs; occasionally with leaf-like bracts. Calyx green, 5-lobed at apex, lobes hairy, about 2 mm long. Corolla tubular, 2-lipped at apex; stamens 5, adnate to corolla tube, yellow; ovary glabrous. Odour, fragrant; taste, mild and slightly bitter.
    本品呈棒状,上粗下细,略弯曲,长2~3 cm,上部直径约3 mm,下部直径约1.5 mm。表面黄白色或绿白色(贮久色渐深),密被短柔毛。偶见叶状苞片。花萼绿色,先端5裂,裂片有毛,长约2mm。开放者花冠筒状,先端二唇形;雄蕊5,附于筒壁,黄色;雌蕊1,子房无毛。气清香,味淡、微苦。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)The powder is light yellowish-brown or yellowish-green. There are more glandular hairs, with the head inverted conical, circular or slightly flattened, consisting of 4-33 cells, arranged in 2-4 layers, with a diameter of 30-64-108 μm, and the stalk consisting of 1-5 cells, up to 700 μm long. There are two types of non-glandular hairs: one is thick-walled non-glandular hairs, single-celled, up to 900 μm long, with micro-papillary or vesicular protrusions on the surface, some with spiral patterns; the other is thin-walled non-glandular hairs, single-celled, very long, curved or wrinkled, with micro-papillary protrusions on the surface. The diameter of calcium oxalate cluster crystal is 6-45 μm. Pollen grains are round or triangular, with fine short spines and granular sculptures on the surface and have 3 colpi.
    (1)本品粉末浅黄棕色或黄绿色。腺毛较多,头部倒圆锥形、类圆形或略扁圆形,4~33细胞,排成2~4层,直径30~64~108 μm,柄部1~5细胞,长可达700 μm。非腺毛有两种:一种为厚壁非腺毛,单细胞,长可达900 μm,表面有微细疣状或泡状突起,有的具螺纹;另一种为薄壁非腺毛,单细胞,甚长,弯曲或皱缩,表面有微细疣状突起。草酸钙簇晶直径6~45 μm。花粉粒类圆形或三角形,表面具细密短刺及细颗粒状雕纹,具3孔沟。

    (2)Take 0.2 g of the powder, add 5 ml of methanol, let it stand for 12 hours, filter, and take the filtrate as the test solution. Take chlorogenic acid reference substance, add methanol to make a solution containing 1 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel H as the coating substance and the upper layer solution of ethyl acetate-butanoic acid-water (7: 2.5: 2.5) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 10-20 μl of the test solution and 10 μl of the reference solution. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Examine under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The fluorescent spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and colour to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution.
    (2)取本品粉末0.2 g,加甲醇5 ml,放置12小时,滤过,取滤液作为供试品溶液。另取绿原酸对照品,加甲醇制成每1 ml含1 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取供试品溶液10~20 μl、对照品溶液10 μl,分别点于同一硅胶H薄层板上,以乙酸丁酯-甲酸-水(7:2.5:2.5)的上层溶液为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,置紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Characteristic mapping 特征图谱

    Determined by high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Same as under [Content Determination] Phenolic Acids except that the detection wavelength is 240 nm.
    除检测波长为240 nm外,其他同〔含量测定〕酚酸类项下。

    Preparation of reference solutions 参照物溶液的制备

    Take the appropriate amount of chlorogenic acid control product, precision weighing, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.40 mg per ml, that is to obtain.
    取绿原酸对照品适量,精密称定,加甲醇制成每1 ml含0.40 mg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Same as under [Content Determination] Phenolic Acids.

    Determination method 测定法

    Precisely aspirate 2 μl each of the reference solution and the test solution respectively, inject into liquid chromatograph and determine, it is obtained.
    分别精密吸取参照物溶液与供试品溶液各2 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    The characteristic profile of the test product should show seven characteristic peaks, and the peak corresponding to the reference peak is the S peak, calculate the relative retention time of each characteristic peak and the S peak, which should be within ±10% of the specified value, the retention time specified values are: 0.91 (peak 1), 1.00 [peak 2 (S)], 1.17 (peak 3), 1.38 (peak 4), 2.43 (peak 5), 2.81 (peak 6), 2.93 (Peak 7).

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 12.0 per cent <0832, method 4>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 10.0 per cent <2302>.

    Acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶性灰分

    Not more than 3.0 per cent <2302>.

    Heavy metals and harmful elements 重金属及有害元素

    Determined by the method of lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and copper (atomic absorption spectrophotometry or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) <2321>. The limit of lead is not more than 5 mg/kg; the limit of cadmium is not more than 1 mg/kg; the limit of arsenic is not more than 2 mg/kg; the limit of mercury is not more than 0.2 mg/kg; the limit of copper is not more than 20 mg/kg.
    照铅、镉、砷、汞、铜测定法(通则2321原子吸收分光光度法或电感耦合等离子体质谱法)测定,铅不得过5 mg/kg;镉不得过1 mg/kg;砷不得过2 mg/kg;汞不得过0.2 mg/kg;铜不得过20 mg/kg。

    Assay 含量测定

    Phenolic acids 酚酸类

    Determined by high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Octadecylsilane-bonded silica gel was used as filler; acetonitrile was used as mobile phase A and 0.1% phosphoric acid solution was used as mobile phase B. The gradient elution was carried out according to the following table; the temperature of the column was not higher than 25 ℃; the flow rate was 0.7 ml per minute, and the detection wavelength was 327 nm. the number of theoretical plates should be not less than 10,000 according to the calculation of chlorogenic acid peak.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈为流动相A,0.1%磷酸溶液为流动相B,按下表中的规定进行梯度洗脱;柱温不高于25 ℃;流速为每分钟0.7 ml,检测波长为327 nm。理论板数按绿原酸峰计算应不低于10000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take chlorogenic acid control, 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid control and 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid control in appropriate amount, weighed accurately, placed in a brown measuring flask, and added with 75% methanol to make a solution containing 0.28 mg, 0.15 mg, and 44 μg per ml, that is, obtained.
    取绿原酸对照品、3,5-二-O-咖啡酰奎宁酸对照品和4,5-二-O-咖啡酰奎宁酸对照品适量,精密称定,置棕色量瓶中,加75%甲醇制成每1 ml含0.28 mg、0.15 mg、44 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take the powder of this product (through the fourth sieve) about 0.5 g, precision weighing, placed in a stoppered conical flask, precision addition of 75% methanol 50 ml, weighing, ultrasonic treatment (power 500 W, frequency 40 kHz) for 30 minutes, cooled, and then weighing, 75% methanol to make up for the loss of weight, shaking, filtration, and take the filtrate, that is, the product is obtained.
    取本品粉末(过四号筛)约0.5 g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入75%甲醇50 ml,称定重量,超声处理(功率500 W,频率40 kHz)30分钟,放冷,再称定重量,用75%甲醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过,取续滤液,即得。

    Determination method 测定法

    Pipette 2 μl each of control solution and test solution, inject into liquid chromatograph, and then determine, that is, obtain.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各2 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    This product contains not less than 1.5% chlorogenic acid (C16H18O9) calculated as dried product, and not less than 3.8% phenolic acids calculated as the total amount of chlorogenic acid (C16H18O9), 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (C25H24O12) and 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (C25H24O12).

    Luteoloside 木犀草苷

    Determined by high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Phenylsilane bonded silica gel was used as filler (Agilent ZORBAX SB-phenyl 4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm), with acetonitrile as mobile phase A and 0.5% glacial acetic acid solution as mobile phase B. Gradient elution was carried out in accordance with the following table; the detection wavelength was 350 nm. the theoretical plate counts calculated on the basis of the lignoceroside peaks should be not less than 20,000.
    用苯基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂(Agilent ZORBAX SB-phenyl 4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),以乙腈为流动相A,以0.5%冰醋酸溶液为流动相B,按下表中的规定进行梯度洗脱;检测波长为350 nm。理论板数按木犀草苷峰计算应不低于20000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take the appropriate amount of lignocaine control, precision weighing, add 70% ethanol to make a solution containing 40 μg per ml, that is to obtain.
    取木犀草苷对照品适量,精密称定,加70%乙醇制成每1 ml含40 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take this product powder (through the fourth sieve) about 2 g, precision weighing, placed in a stoppered conical flask, precision addition of 70% ethanol 50 ml, weighing, ultrasonic treatment (power 250 W, frequency 35 kHz) for 1 hour, cooling, and then weighing, with 70% ethanol to make up for the loss of weight, shaking well, filtered. Precisely measure 10 ml of the filtrate, recover the solvent to dry, the residue was dissolved with 70% ethanol, transferred to a 5 ml measuring flask, add 70% ethanol to the scale, that is, obtained.
    取本品粉末(过四号筛)约2 g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入70%乙醇50 ml,称定重量,超声处理(功率250 W,频率35 kHz)1小时,放冷,再称定重量,用70%乙醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过。精密量取续滤液10 ml,回收溶剂至干,残渣用70%乙醇溶解,转移至5 ml量瓶中,加70%乙醇至刻度,即得。

    Determination method 测定法

    Pipette 10 μl each of control solution and test solution, injected into liquid chromatograph, and then measured, it is obtained.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    This product contains not less than 0.050% of lignocaine (C21H20O11) calculated as dried product.

    Property 性


    Flavor 味


    Meridian tropism 归经

    Lung, heart, and stomach meridians.

    Actions and Indications 功能

    To clear heat and detoxify and disperse wind-heat.

    Indications 主治

    Used for carbuncles and sores, sore throat, erysipelas, dysentery due to heat-toxin, wind-heat common cold, and febrile diseases.

    Dosage 用量

    6-15 g.
    6~15 g。

    Administration 用法


    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a cool and dry place, moisture-proof, and mothproof.

    Review accepted
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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Coptidis Rhizoma
    Coptis Rhizome

    Overview 概述

    Coptis Rhizome is the dried rhizome of Coptis chinensis Franch., Coptis deltoidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao, or Coptis teeta Wall. (Fam. Ranunculaceae). The three kinds are respectively known as "Weilian", "Yalian", and "Yunlian". The drug is collected in autumn, removed from rootlets and sand, dried, and pounded to remove residual rootlets.
    本品为毛茛科植物黄连Coptis chinensis Franch.、三角叶黄连Coptis deltoidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao或云连Coptis teeta Wall.的干燥根茎。以上三种分别习称“味连”、“雅连"、“云连”。秋季采挖,除去须根和泥沙,干燥,撞去残留须根。

    Description 性状

    Weilian 味连

    Clustered, often curved, resembling chicken claws; single-branched rhizome 3-6 cm long, 0.3-0.8 cm in diameter. Surface grayish-yellow or yellowish-brown, rough, with irregular nodular elevations, rootlets, and residual rootlet bases; some internodes have smooth surfaces like stems, known as "crossing the bridge". The upper part often retains brownish scales, and the top often retains residual stems or petioles. Texture hard, uneven fracture; orange-red or dark brown bark, fresh yellow or orange-yellow wood, arranged radially; some medullas are hollow. Odour, slight; taste, extremely bitter.
    多集聚成簇,常弯曲,形如鸡爪,单枝根茎长3~6 cm,直径0.3~0.8 cm。表面灰黄色或黄褐色,粗糙,有不规则结节状隆起、须根及须根残基,有的节间表面平滑如茎秆,习称“过桥”。上部多残留褐色鳞叶,顶端常留有残余的茎或叶柄。质硬,断面不整齐,皮部橙红色或暗棕色,木部鲜黄色或橙黄色,呈放射状排列,髓部有的中空。气微,味极苦。

    Yalian 雅连

    Mostly single-branched, slightly cylindrical, slightly curved, 4-8 cm long, 0.5-1 cm in diameter; "crossing the bridge" is longer. The top has a few residual stems.
    多为单枝,略呈圆柱形,微弯曲,长4~8 cm,直径0.5~1cm。“过桥”较长。顶端有少许残茎。

    Yunlian 云连

    Curved and hooked, mostly single-branched, relatively small.

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)Cross-section of the product:

    Weilian 味连

    Cork cells arranged in rows, with epidermis outside, often exfoliating. Cortex relatively wide, stone cells scattered singly or in groups. Medullary sheath fibers in bundles or accompanied by a few stone cells, all yellow. Vascular bundles exarch, arranged in a ring. Xylem yellow, all lignified, wood fibers relatively well-developed. Medulla consists of thin-walled cells, without stone cells.

    Yalian 雅连

    Medulla contains stone cells.

    Yunlian 云连

    Cortex, medullary sheath, and medulla do not contain stone cells.

    (2)To 0.25 g of the powder add 25 ml of methanol, treat with ultrasound for 30 minutes, filter, and use the filtrate as the test solution. Take 0.25 g of the reference drug Huanglian, and prepare the reference drug solution in the same way. Take berberine hydrochloride CRS, add methanol to produce a solution containing 0.5 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of n-hexane-acetic ether-isopropanol-methanol-water-triethylamine (3: 3.5: 1: 1.5: 0.5: 1) as the mobile phase. Place the plate in a developing tank pre-saturated with concentrated ammonia solution for 20 minutes, develop, remove, dry, and spray with a 2% solution of vanillin in sulfuric acid at 105 °C until the spots are clearly visible. In the chromatogram obtained with the test solution, there are fluorescent spots of the same color as those in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug solution at corresponding positions; in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution, there are fluorescent spots of the same color at corresponding positions.
    (2)取本品粉末0.25 g,加甲醇25 ml,超声处理30分钟,滤过,取滤液作为供试品溶液。另取黄连对照药材0.25 g,同法制成对照药材溶液。再取盐酸小檗碱对照品,加甲醇制成每1 ml含0.5 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各1 μl,分别点于同一高效硅胶G薄层板上,以环己烷-乙酸乙酯-异丙醇-甲醇-水-三乙胺(3︰3.5︰1︰1.5︰0.5︰1)为展开剂,置用浓氨试液预饱和20分钟的展开缸内,展开,取出,晾干,喷以2%香草醛硫酸溶液,在105 °C加热至斑点显色清晰。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点;在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 14.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 5.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using diluted ethanol as the solvent, not less than 15.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Weilian 味连

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane-bonded silica gel as the filling material; use acetonitrile-0.05 mol/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution (50: 50) (add 0.4 g of dodecyl sodium sulfate to each 100 ml, then adjust the pH value to 4.0 with phosphoric acid) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength, 345 nm. The theoretical plate number calculated from the peak of berberine hydrochloride should not be less than 5000.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈-0.05 mol/L磷酸二氢钾溶液(50︰50)(每100 ml中加十二烷基硫酸钠0.4 g,再以磷酸调节pH值为4.0)为流动相;检测波长为345 nm。理论板数按盐酸小檗碱峰计算应不低于5000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take an appropriate amount of berberine hydrochloride CRS, accurately weigh, add methanol to produce a solution containing 90.5 μg per ml.
    取盐酸小檗碱对照品适量,精密称定,加甲醇制成每1 ml含90.5 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take about 0.2 g of the powder (passed through a No. 2 sieve), accurately weigh, place it in a stoppered conical flask, accurately add a mixed solution of methanol-hydrochloric acid (100: 1) 50 ml, seal tightly, weigh, treat with ultrasound (power 250 W, frequency 40 kHz) for 30 minutes, cool, weigh again, make up for the weight loss with methanol, shake well, filter, accurately take 2 ml of the filtrate, place it in a 10 ml volumetric flask, add methanol to the mark, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate.
    取本品粉末(过二号筛)约0.2 g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入甲醇-盐酸(100︰1)的混合溶液50 ml,密塞,称定重量,超声处理(功率250 W,频率40 kHz)30分钟,放冷,再称定重量,用甲醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液2 ml,置10 ml量瓶中,加甲醇至刻度,摇匀,滤过,取续滤液,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Accurately take 10 μl of the reference solution and the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and determine the content. Take the peak area of berberine hydrochloride CRS as the reference, and calculate the content of berberine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, and columbamine, respectively. Determine the relative retention time of the chromatographic peak of the component to the chromatographic peak of berberine hydrochloride.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,以盐酸小檗碱对照品的峰面积为对照,分别计算小檗碱、表小檗碱、黄连碱和巴马汀的含量,用待测成分色谱峰与盐酸小檗碱色谱峰的相对保留时间确定。

    The relative retention time of berberine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, and columbamine should be within the range of ±5% of the specified value. Relative retention times are shown in the table below:

    Calculated on the dried basis, with berberine hydrochloride (C20H18ClNO4) as the reference, the content of berberine (C20H17NO4) should not be less than 5.5%, the content of palmatine (C20H17NO4) should not be less than 0.80%, the content of jatrorrhizine (C19H13NO4) should not be less than 1.6%, and the content of columbamine (C21H21NO4) should not be less than 1.5%.

    Yalian 雅连

    Calculated on the dried basis, with berberine hydrochloride (C20H18ClNO4) as the reference, the content of berberine (C20H17NO4) should not be less than 4.5%.

    Yunlian 云连

    Calculated on the dried basis, with berberine hydrochloride (C20H18ClNO4) as the reference, the content of berberine (C20H17NO4) should not be less than 7.0%.

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Slices of Coptis Rhizome 黄连片

    Processing 炮制

    Coptis Rhizome: Eliminate Foreign matter, soak until thoroughly moistened, cut into thin slices, and dry in the sun, or crush when used.

    性状 | Description

    In irregular thin slices. Externally greyish-yellow or yellowish-brown, coarse and with fine rootlets. Cut or broken surface fresh yellow or reddish-yellow, with radiate

    检查 | Examination

    水分 | Water

    Not more than 12.0 per cent, following the method for the crude drug.

    总灰分 | Total ash

    Not more than 3.5 per cent, following the method for the crude drug.

    含量测定 | Assay

    It contains not less than 5.0 per cent of berberine (C20H17NO4), 3.3 per cent of the total amount of epiberberine (C20H17NO4), coptisine (C19H13NO4) and
    同药材,以盐酸小檗碱计,含小檗碱(C20H17NO4)不得少于5.0%, 含表小檗碱(C20H17NO4)、黄连碱(C19H13NO4)和巴马汀(C21H21NO4)的总量不得少于3.3%。

    鉴别 |Identification

    As required for the crude drug except for the transverse section.

    浸出物 | Extractives

    As required for the crude drug.

    酒黄连 | Coptidis Rhizorna (processed with wine)

    Processing 炮制

    Stir-bake the Coptidis Rhiwma as described under the method for stir-baking with wine <0213> to dryness.

    Using 12.5 kg of yellow rice wine per 100 kg of Coptidis Rhizoma.
    每100 kg 黄连,用黄酒12.5 kg。

    性状 | Description

    The shape similar to the slices, but deeper in colour, slightly with wine odour.

    鉴别 |Identification

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    检查 | Examination

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    浸出物 | Extractives

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    含量测定 | Assay

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    姜黄连 | Coptidis Rhizoma ( processed with ginger)

    Processing 炮制

    Coptidis Rhizoma as described under the method for stirbaking with ginger juice <0213> to dryness.

    Using 12.5 kg of ginger per 100 kg of Coptidis Rhizoma.
    每100 kg黄连,用生姜12.5 kg。

    性状 | Description

    The shape similar to the slices, externally brownish-yellow, with the pungent taste of ginger.
    本品形如黄连片, 表面棕黄色。有姜的辛辣味。

    鉴别 |Identification

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    检查 | Examination

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    浸出物 | Extractives

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    含量测定 | Assay

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    萸黄连 | Coptidis Rhizoma (Processed with Evodiae Fructus)

    Processing 炮制

    Decoct Evodiae Fructus with a quantity of water, mix the decoction with Coptidis Rhizoma, until the decoction is exhausted, then stir-bake to dryness.

    To each 100 kg of Coptidis Rhizoma add 10 kg of Evoidae Fructus.
    每100 kg黄连,用吴茱萸10 kg。

    性状 | Description

    The shape similar to the slices, externally brownish-yellow, with the pungent odour of Evodiae Fructus.

    鉴别 |Identification

    To 2 g of the powder add 20 ml of chloroform, ultrasonicate for 30 minutes and filter, extract in the same manner again for 2 times, combine the filtrates and concentrate to dryness in vacuum, dissolve the residue in 1 ml of chloroform as the test solution. Prepare a solution of 0.5 g of Evodiae Fructus reference drug in the same manner as the reference drug solution. Dissolve obaculactone CRS in chloroform to produce a solution containing 1 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using high performance silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of petroleum ether (60-90 °C), chloroform, acetone, methanol and diethylamine (5: 2: 2: 1: 0. 2) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 6 μl of the test solution, 3 μl of the reference drug solution and 2 μl of the reference solution. After developing in a chamber pre-equilibrated with the mobile phase for 30 minutes and removal of the plate, dry in air, spray with a 2% solution of vanillin in sulfuric acid, heat at 105 °C to the spots clear. The major spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug solution; and one of which corresponds to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution.
    取本品粉末2 g, 加三氯甲烷20 ml, 超声处理30 分钟,滤过,滤渣同法处理两次,合并滤液,减压回收溶剂至干,加三氯甲烧1 ml 使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取吴茉萸对照药材0.5 g, 同法制成对照药材溶液。再取拧檬苦素对照品,加三氯甲烷制成每1 ml 含1 mg 的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照菏层色谱法( 通则0502) 试验, 吸取供试品溶液6 μl 对照药材溶液3队和对照品溶液2 μl,分别点于同一高效硅胶G 薄层板上,以石油酪(60-90 °C)-三氯甲烧-丙酮-甲醇-二乙胺(5:2:2:1:0. 2)为展开剂,预饱和30 分钟,展开,取出,諒干,喷以2%香草酸硫酸溶液,在105 °C加热至斑点显色清晰。供试品色谱中在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的主斑点;在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。

    检查 | Examination

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    浸出物 | Extractives

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    含量测定 | Assay

    As required for Coptis Rhizome.

    Property 性


    Flavor 味


    Meridian tropism 归经

    Heart, spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and large intestine meridians.

    Actions 功能

    To clear heat and dry dampness, relieve fire and detoxify.

    Indications 主治

    Used for damp-heat accumulation in the middle energizer, vomiting, acid regurgitation, dysentery, jaundice, high fever with delirium, excessive heart fire, restlessness and insomnia, palpitations, blood heat vomiting nosebleed, red eyes, toothache, polydipsia, carbuncle and furuncle; externally for eczema, damp sores, and purulent discharge from the ear. Jiu Huanglian is good at clearing upper energizer fire. Used for red eyes and mouth sores. Jiang Huanglian clears the stomach and stops vomiting. Used for cold-heat mutual constraint, damp-heat obstruction in the middle energizer, and distention and vomiting. Yu Huanglian soothes the liver and stomach and stops vomiting. Used for disharmony between the liver and stomach, vomiting, and acid regurgitation.

    Dosage 用量

    2-5 g. For external use, an appropriate amount.
    2~5 g。外用适量。

    用法 | Administration


    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a well-ventilated and dry place.

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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Piperis Fructus

    Overview 概述

    Pepper is the dried nearly ripe or ripe fruit of Piper nigrum L. (Fam. Piperaceae). The drug is collected in late autumn to early spring when the fruit is dark green, dried to obtain black pepper; or collected when the fruit is red, soaked in water for several days, rubbed to remove the pericarp, and dried to obtain white pepper.
    本品为胡椒科植物胡椒Piper nigrum L.的干燥近成熟或成熟果实。秋末至次春果实呈暗绿色时采收,晒干,为黑胡椒;果实变红时采收,用水浸渍数日,擦去果肉,晒干,为白胡椒。

    Description 性状

    Black Pepper 黑胡椒

    Black pepper is spherical, with a diameter of 3.5-5 mm. The surface is blackish-brown, with raised reticulate wrinkles, a small stigma residue at the apex, and a scar where the fruit stalk has fallen off at the base. The texture is hard, the outer pericarp can be peeled off, and the inner pericarp is grayish-white or pale yellow. The fracture is yellowish-white, powdery, with small cavities. It has a fragrant aroma and a pungent taste.
    呈球形,直径3.5~5 mm。表面黑褐色,具隆起网状皱纹,顶端有细小花柱残迹,基部有自果轴脱落的疤痕。质硬,外果皮可剥离,内果皮灰白色或淡黄色。断面黄白色,粉性,中有小空隙。气芳香,味辛辣。

    White Pepper 白胡椒

    White pepper is grayish-white or pale yellowish-white on the surface, smooth, with numerous light-colored linear stripes between the apex and the base.

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)Black pepper powder is dark gray. The stone cells of the outer pericarp are square, rectangular, or irregular in shape, with a diameter of 19-66 μm and a thick wall. The surface of the stone cells in the inner pericarp is polygonal, with a diameter of 20-30 μm; the side view is square, with one side of the wall thin. The seed coat cells are brown, polygonal, and the wall is thickened in a bead-like manner. There are fewer oil cells, which are round and have a diameter of 51-75 μm. The starch grains are small and often aggregated into clusters.
    (1)黑胡椒粉末暗灰色。外果皮石细胞类方形、长方形或形状不规则,直径19~66 μm,壁较厚。内果皮石细胞表面观类多角形,直径20~30 μm;侧面观方形,壁一面薄。种皮细胞棕色,多角形,壁连珠状增厚。油细胞较少,类圆形,直径51~75 μm。淀粉粒细小,常聚集成团块。

    White pepper powder is yellowish-white. The seed coat cells, oil cells, and starch grains are the same as those of black pepper.

    (2)Take a small amount of the powder, add 1 drop of sulfuric acid, it shows red, gradually changes to reddish-brown, and then turns brown.

    (3)Take 0.5 g of the powder, add 5 ml of anhydrous ethanol, treat with ultrasound for 30 minutes, filter, and take the filtrate as the test solution. Take the piperine reference substance, place it in a brown volumetric flask, and add anhydrous ethanol to make a solution containing 4 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of toluene-acetic acid ethyl ester-acetone (7: 2: 1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 2 μl of each of the above two solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Spray with a 10% solution of sulfuric acid in ethanol, heat until the spots are clearly visible, and examine under daylight and ultraviolet light at 365 nm. In the chromatogram obtained with the test solution, there are spots or fluorescent spots of the same color as those in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution at corresponding positions.
    (3)取本品粉末0.5 g,加无水乙醇5 ml,超声处理30分钟,滤过,取滤液作为供试品溶液。另取胡椒碱对照品,置棕色量瓶中,加无水乙醇制成每1 ml含4 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各2 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯-乙酸乙酯-丙酮(7∶2∶1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%硫酸乙醇溶液,加热至斑点显色清晰,分别置日光和紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点或荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 14.0 per cent <0832, method 4>.

    Assay 含量测定

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filler; use methanol-water (77: 23) as the mobile phase; the detection wavelength is 343 nm. The theoretical plate number calculated based on the piperine peak should not be less than 1500.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以甲醇-水(77∶23)为流动相;检测波长为343 nm。理论板数按胡椒碱峰计算应不低于1500。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take an appropriate amount of piperine reference substance, accurately weigh it, place it in a brown volumetric flask, and add anhydrous ethanol to make a solution containing 20 μg per ml.
    取胡椒碱对照品适量,精密称定,置棕色量瓶中,加无水乙醇制成每1 ml含20 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take about 0.1 g of the powder, accurately weigh it, place it in a 50 ml brown volumetric flask, add 40 ml of anhydrous ethanol, treat with ultrasound (power 250 W, frequency 20 kHz) for 30 minutes, cool, add anhydrous ethanol to the mark, shake well, filter, accurately measure 10 ml of the filtrate, place it in a 25 ml brown volumetric flask, add anhydrous ethanol to the mark, shake well, filter, and take the filtrate.
    取本品中粉约0.1 g,精密称定,置50 ml棕色量瓶中,加无水乙醇40 ml,超声处理(功率250 W,频率20 kHz)30分钟,放冷,加无水乙醇至刻度,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液10 ml,置25 ml棕色量瓶中,加无水乙醇至刻度,摇匀,滤过,取续滤液,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Accurately aspirate 10 μl of the reference solution and the test solution, inject into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    Calculated on the dried product, the content of piperine (C17H19NO3) should not be less than 3.3%.

    Property 性


    味 | Flavor


    Meridian tropism 归经

    Stomach and Large Intestine meridians.

    Actions 功能

    Warm the middle and dispel cold, descend qi, and resolve phlegm.

    Indications 主治

    Used for vomiting due to gastric cold, abdominal pain and diarrhea, poor appetite, and epilepsy with excessive phlegm。

    Dosage 用量

    0.6-1.5 g. For external use, use an appropriate amount.
    0.6~1.5 g。外用适量。

    用法 | Administration

    Grind into powder and take orally. For external use, use an appropriate amount.

    Storage 贮藏

    Store in airtight containers in a cool and dry place.

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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum
    Dalbergia Odorifera Wood

    Overview 概述

    Dalbergia Odorifera Wood is the dried heartwood of the trunk and root of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen (Fam. Leguminosae). The drug is collected throughout the year, removed from the bark, and dried in the shade.
    本品为豆科植物降香檀Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen树干和根的干燥心材。全年均可采收,除去边材,阴干。

    Description 性状

    Pieces cylindrical or irregularly shaped; surface purple-red or reddish-brown, with dense texture on cut surface; texture hard, oily. Odour, slight; taste, slightly bitter.

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)Powder brownish-purple or yellowish-brown. Vessels with large bordered pits, diameter of complete ones about 300 μm, mostly broken, bordered pits large and distinct, containing reddish-brown or yellowish-brown substances in the lumen. Fibres in bundles, reddish-brown, diameter 8-26 μm, walls very thick, some fibres surrounded by cells containing calcium oxalate prisms, forming crystal fibres, walls of cells containing crystals unevenly lignified. Calcium oxalate prisms diameter 6-22 μm. Rays 1-2 cells wide, up to 15 cells high, walls slightly thick, pits rather dense. Pigment cells reddish-brown, yellowish-brown or pale yellow.
    (1)本品粉末棕紫色或黄棕色。具缘纹孔导管巨大,完整者直径约至300 μm,多破碎,具缘纹孔大而清晰,管腔内含红棕色或黄棕色物。纤维成束,棕红色,直径8~26 μm,壁甚厚,有的纤维束周围细胞含草酸钙方晶,形成晶纤维,含晶细胞的壁不均匀木化增厚。草酸钙方晶直径6~22 μm。木射线宽1~2列细胞,高至15细胞,壁稍厚,纹孔较密。色素块红棕色、黄棕色或淡黄色。

    (2)To 1 g of the powder add 10 ml of methanol, treat with ultrasound for 30 minutes, allow to stand, and take the supernatant as the test solution. Prepare a solution of the reference drug, Dalbergia Odorifera Wood, in the same manner as the test solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of toluene, ethyl acetate, and chloroform (7: 2: 1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 2 μl of each of the above two solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Spray with a mixture of a 1% solution of vanillin in sulfuric acid and anhydrous ethanol (1: 9), heat at 105 °C to the spots clear. The spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug.
    (2)取本品粉末1 g,加甲醇10 ml,超声处理30分钟,放置,取上清液作为供试品溶液。另取降香对照药材1 g,同法制成对照药材溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各2 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯-乙醚-三氯甲烷(7:2:1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以1%香草醛硫酸溶液与无水乙醇(1:9)的混合溶液,在105 ℃加热至斑点显色清晰。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。

    (3)Take the test solution and the reference drug solution prepared under the item Identification, carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of toluene and ethyl acetate (2: 1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 2 μl of each of the above two solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Examine under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug.
    (3)取〔鉴别〕(2)项下供试品溶液和对照药材溶液,照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各2 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯-乙酸乙酯(2:1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,置紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using ethanol as the solvent, not less than 8.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Volatile oil 挥发油

    Carry out the method for determination of volatile oil <2204, method A>.

    The volatile oil content of the drug is not less than 1.0% (ml/g).

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Dalbergia Odorifera Wood 降香

    Processing 炮制

    Eliminate Foreign matter, split into small pieces, and grind into fine powder or slice.

    Property 性


    Flavor 味


    Meridian tropism 归经

    Liver and spleen meridians.

    Actions 功能

    To promote blood circulation and stop bleeding, regulate qi and relieve pain.

    Indications 主治

    Used for vomiting blood, nosebleed, bleeding due to trauma, liver depression causing pain in the hypochondrium, chest pain, stabbing pain in the chest, pain due to falls or blows, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

    Dosage 用量

    9-15 g. For external use, an appropriate amount.
    9~15 g。外用适量。

    Administration 用法

    Add when the decoction is nearly done. For external use, an appropriate amount is ground into fine powder and applied to the affected area.

    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a cool and dry place.

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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Trigonellae Semen
    Fenugreek Seed

    Overview 概述

    Fenugreek Seed is the dried mature seed of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (Fam. Leguminosae). The drug is collected in summer when the fruit is ripe, removed from the plant, dried, and the seeds are separated and cleaned.
    本品为豆科植物胡芦巴Trigonella foenum-graecum L.的干燥成熟种子。夏季果实成熟时采割植株,晒干,打下种子,除去杂质。

    Description 性状

    Seeds slightly oblique-quadrate or rectangular, 3-4 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, and about 2 mm thick; externally yellowish-green or yellowish-brown, smooth, with a deep oblique groove on each side, the point of intersection bearing a dot-like hilum. Texture hard, not easily broken. Testa thin, endosperm semi-transparent, sticky; cotyledons 2, pale yellow, radicle curved, plump and long. Odour, aromatic; taste, slightly bitter.
    本品略呈斜方形或矩形,长3~4 mm,宽2~3 mm,厚约2 mm。表面黄绿色或黄棕色,平滑,两侧各具一深斜沟,相交处有点状种脐。质坚硬,不易破碎。种皮薄,胚乳呈半透明状,具黏性;子叶2,淡黄色,胚根弯曲,肥大而长。气香,味微苦。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)The powder is brownish-yellow. Epidermal cells in a single row, with the upper part of the outer and lateral walls thicker and finely longitudinally striated, the lower part of the cell cavity larger, with a bright band; surface view polygonal, with thicker walls and smaller cell cavities. Supporting cells in a single row, slightly dumbbell-shaped, with the upper end slightly narrower and the lower end wider, the vertical walls showing a streaked texture; basal view nearly circular or hexagonal, with dense radial striations thickened, resembling chrysanthemum-like patterns, and distinct cell cavities. Cotyledon cells contain starch grains and oil droplets.

    (2)To 1 g of the powder add 30 ml of petroleum ether (30-60 °C), ultrasonicate for 30 minutes, filter and discard the filtrate, evaporate the residue to dryness. Add 30 ml of ethanol, ultrasonicate for 30 minutes, filter and evaporate the filtrate to dryness. Dissolve the residue with 1 ml of methanol as the test solution. Dissolve trigonelline CRS in methanol to produce a solution containing 2 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel Gas the coating substance and a mixture of n-butanol, hydrochloride and ethyl acetate (8: 3: 1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately 6 μl of each of the two solutions to the plate. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Spray with a mixture solution of potassium iodobismuthate TS and ferric chloride TS (2: 1). The spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and colour to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution.
    (2)取本品粉末1 g,加石油醚(30~60 °C)30 ml,超声处理30分钟,静置,弃去上清液,残渣挥干,加甲醇30 ml,超声处理30分钟,滤过,滤液蒸干,残渣加甲醇1 ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取胡芦巴碱对照品,加甲醇制成每1 ml含2 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各1 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以正丁醇-盐酸-乙酸乙酯(8∶3∶1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,在105 °C加热1小时,放冷,喷以稀碘化铋钾试液-三氯化铁试液(2∶1)混合溶液。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。

    (3)To the test solution obtained under Identification (2), add methanol to 10 ml as the test solution. Prepare a solution of 0. 1 g of Trigonellae Semen reference drug in the Same manner described under Identification (2) as the reference drug solution, carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using polyarnide as the coating substance and a mixture of ethanol, butanone, acetylacetonate and water (3: 3: 1: 13) as the mobile phase. Apply separately 1 μl of each of the above two solutions to the film. After developing and removal of the plate, dry it in air, spray with aluminium trichloride TS, dry in a current of hot air for 5 minutes, and examine under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug solution.
    (3)取〔鉴别〕(2)项下的供试品溶液,加甲醇稀释至10 ml,作为供试品溶液。另取胡芦巴对照药材0.1 g,按〔鉴别〕(2)供试品溶液制备方法,制成对照药材溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各1 μl,分别点于同一聚酰胺薄膜上,以乙醇-丁酮-乙酰丙酮-水(3∶3∶1∶13)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以三氯化铝试液,热风加热5分钟,置紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 15.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 5.0 per cent <2302>.

    Acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶性灰分

    Not more than 1.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using diluted ethanol as the solvent, not less than 18.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the stationary phase and a mixture of methanol, 0. 05% sodium dodecyl sulfonate and glacial acetic acid (20:80:0.1) as the mobile phase. As detector a spectrophotometer set at 265 nm. The number of theoretical plates of the column is not less than 4000, calculated with the reference to the peak of trigonelline.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以甲醇-0.05%十二烷基磺酸钠溶液-冰醋酸(20∶80∶0.1)为流动相;检测波长为265 nm。理论板数按胡芦巴碱峰计算应不低于4000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Dissolve a quantity of trigonelline CRS, accurately weighed, in 50% methanol to prepare a solution containing 60 μg per ml as the reference solution.
    取胡芦巴碱对照品适量,精密称定,加50%甲醇制成每1 ml含60 ug的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Weigh accurately 0.5 g of the powder in a stoppered conical flask, add 50 ml of 50% methanol, and weigh. Allow to stand for 1 hour, ultrasonicate (power 300 W, frequency, 50 kHz) for 45 minutes, allow standing to cool and weigh again, replenish the loss of weight with 50% methanol and mix well. Filter and use the successive filtrate as the test solution.
    取本品粉末(过三号筛)约0.5 g,精密称定,精密加入50%甲醇50 ml,密塞,称定重量,放置1小时,超声处理(功率300 W,频率50 kHz)45分钟,放冷,密塞,再称定重量,用50%甲醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过,取续滤液,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Inject accurately 10 μl of each of the reference solution and the test solution into the column and calculate the content.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10 ul,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    This product shall not contain less than 0.45% of fenugreek alkaloids (C7H7NO2) when calculated as a dried product.

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Fenugreek Seed 胡芦巴

    Processing 炮制

    Eliminate Foreign matter, wash clean, and dry.

    性状 | Description

    As required for the crude drug.

    Identification 鉴别

    As required for the crude drug.

    Examination 检查

    As required for the crude drug.

    Extractives 浸出物

    As required for the crude drug.

    Assay 含量测定

    As required for the crude drug.

    Salted Fenugreek Seed 盐胡芦巴

    炮制 | Processing

    Stir-bake the clean Semen Trigonellae as described under the method for stir-baking with salt-water <0213> until it becomes inflated and scenty. Break to pieces before use.

    Description 性状

    Similar to Trigonellae Semen in shape, enternally yellowishbrown to brown, charred spots occasionally. Odour slightly aromatic; taste, slightly salty.

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 11.0 per cent, following the method for the crude drug.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 7.5 per cent, following the method for the crude drug.

    Identification 鉴别

    As required for the crude drug.

    Extractives 浸出物

    As required for the crude drug.

    Assay 含量测定

    As required for the crude drug.

    性 | Property


    味 | Flavor


    Meridian tropism 归经

    Kidney meridian.

    功能 | Actions

    To warm the kidney, assist yang, dispel cold and relieve pain.

    Indications 主治

    Deficiency of kidney yang, deficiency cold in low origin, cold pain in low abdomen, abdominal pain caused by cold, abdominal colic, and cold-dampness tinea pedis.

    Dosage 用量

    5-10 g.
    5~10 g。

    用法 | Administration


    Storage 贮藏

    Keep in a dry place.

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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Curcumae Longae Rhizoma
    Turmeric Rhizome

    Overview 概述

    Turmeric Rhizome is the dried rhizome of Curcuma longa L. (Fam. Zingiberaceae). The drug is collected in winter when the stem and leaves wither, removed from rootlets, washed clean, boiled or steamed until thoroughly cooked, dried in the sun, and the rootlets removed.
    本品为姜科植物姜黄Curcuma Longa L.的干燥根茎。冬季茎叶枯萎时采挖,洗净,煮或蒸至透心,晒干,除去须根。

    Description 性状

    Rhizomes irregularly ovate, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, often curved, some with short forked branches, 2-5 cm long, 1-3 cm in diameter; externally deep yellow, rough, with wrinkled texture and distinct nodes, and circular branch scars and rootlet scars; texture hard, not easily broken, fracture brownish-yellow to golden yellow, horny, with a waxy luster; inner bark with distinct ring-like markings, vascular bundles scattered in dots. Odour, characteristically aromatic; taste, bitter and pungent.
    本品呈不规则卵圆形、圆柱形或纺锤形,常弯曲,有的具短叉状分枝,长2~5 cm,直径1~3 cm。表面深黄色,粗糙,有皱缩纹理和明显环节,并有圆形分枝痕及须根痕。质坚实,不易折断,断面棕黄色至金黄色,角质样,有蜡样光泽,内皮层环纹明显,维管束呈点状散在。气香特异,味苦、辛。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)Transverse section of the rhizome: epidermal cells flattened, walls thin. Cortex wide, with leaf trace vascular bundles; 6-8 rows of cork cells near the outer epidermis, flattened; endodermal cells with Casparian strips distinct. Inner sheath of the vascular bundle 1-2 rows of thin-walled cells; vascular bundles exarch, scattered, more near the inner sheath, gradually decreasing inward. Thin-walled cells contain oil droplets, starch grains, and reddish-brown pigments.

    (2)To 0.2 g of the powder add 20 ml of anhydrous ethanol, shake for 30 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, dissolve the residue in 2 ml of anhydrous ethanol as the test solution. Take 0.2 g of the reference drug of turmeric, prepare the reference drug solution in the same manner. Take curcumin CRS, add anhydrous ethanol to produce a solution containing 0.5 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of chloroform-methanol-formic acid (96: 4: 0.7) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 4 μl of each of the above three solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Examine under daylight and ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The spots or fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots or fluorescent spots in the chromatograms obtained with the reference drug solution and the reference solution.
    (2)取本品粉末0.2 g,加无水乙醇20 ml,振摇,放置30分钟,滤过,滤液蒸干,残渣加无水乙醇2 ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取姜黄对照药材0.2 g,同法制成对照药材溶液。再取姜黄素对照品,加无水乙醇制成每1 ml含0.5 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各4 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以三氯甲烷-甲醇-甲酸(96∶4∶0.7)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,分别置日光和紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱和对照品色谱相应的位置上,分别显相同颜色的斑点或荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 16.0 per cent <0832, method 4>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 7.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using diluted ethanol as the solvent, not less than 12.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Volatile oil Carry out the method for determination of volatile oil <2204>.

    It contains not less than 7. 0 per cent (ml/g) of volatile oil.

    Curcumin 姜黄素

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octylsilane bonded silica gel as the stationary phase and a mixture of acetonitrile and 4% solution of glacial acetic acid (48: 52) as the mobile phase. As detector a spectrophotometer set at 430 nm. The number of theoretical plates of the column is not less than 4000, calculated with reference to the peak of curcumin.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈-4%冰醋酸溶液(48∶52)为流动相;检测波长为430 nm。理论板数按姜黄素峰计算应不低于4000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Weigh accurately a quantity of curcumin CRS, dissolve in methanol to produce a solution containing 10 μg per ml.
    取姜黄素对照品适量,精密称定,加甲醇制成每1 ml含10 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Weigh accurately 0.2 g of the powder to a stoppered conical flask, add accurately 10 ml of methanol and weigh. Heat under reflux for 30 minutes, cool and weigh again, replenish the loss of weight with methanol, mix well and centrifuge. Measure accurately 1 ml of the supernatant to a 20 ml volumetric flask, dilute with methanol to volume and mix well.
    取本品细粉约0.2 g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入甲醇10 ml,称定重量,加热回流30分钟,放冷,再称定重量,用甲醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,离心,精密量取上清液1 ml,置20 ml量瓶中,加甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Inject accurately 5 μl of each of the reference solution and the test solution, respectively, into the column, and calculate the content.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各5 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    It contains not less than 1.0 per cent of curcumin (C21H20O6), calculated with reference to the dried drug.

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Turmeric 姜黄

    Processing 炮制

    Eliminate Foreign matter, soak briefly, wash clean, soften thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry.

    性状 | Description

    In irregular or subrounded thick slices. Externally dark yellow, sometimes annular nodes visible. Cut surface brownish-yellow to golden yellow, horny, with an obvious endodermis ring, dotted vascular bundles scattered. Odour, characteristic and aromafic; taste, bitter and astringent.

    Identification 鉴别

    As required for the crude drug.

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 13.0 per cent, following the method for the crude drug.

    总灰分 | Total ash

    As required for the crude drug.

    Extractives 浸出物

    As required for the crude drug.

    Assay 含量测定

    It contains not less than 5.0 per cent (ml/g) of volatile oil and 0.90 per cent of curcumin (C21H20O6), following the method for the crude drug.
    同药材,含挥发油不得少于5.0%(ml/g); 含姜黄素(C21H20O6)不得少于0.90%。

    Property 性


    Flavor 味

    Bitter and pungent.

    Meridian tropism 归经

    Spleen and liver meridians.

    Actions 功能

    To promote blood circulation and regulate Qi, regulate menstruation and relieve pain.

    Indications 主治

    Used for stabbing pain in the chest and hypochondrium, chest pain, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, abdominal masses, rheumatic shoulder and arm pain, and traumatic swelling and pain.

    Dosage 用量

    3-10 g. For external use, appropriate amount.
    3~10 g。外用适量。

    Administration 用法


    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a cool and dry place.

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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
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    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Tinosporae Radix
    Tinospora Root

    Overview 概述

    Tinospora Root is the dried tuberous root of Tinospora sagittata (Oliv.) Gagnep. or Tinospora capillipes Gagnep. (Fam. Menispermaceae). The drug is collected in autumn and winter, removed from fibrous roots, washed clean, and dried in the sun.
    本品为防己科植物青牛胆Tinospora sagittata(Oliv.)Gagnep. 或金果榄Tinospora capillipes Gagnep. 的干燥块根。秋、冬二季采挖,除去须根,洗净,晒干。

    Description 性状

    Tinospora Root is irregularly rounded or irregularly shaped tuberous pieces, 5-10 cm long and 3-6 cm in diameter. The surface is brownish-yellow or light brown, rough and uneven, with deep wrinkles. The texture is hard and not easily crushed or broken. The transverse section is pale yellowish-white, with slightly radiating arrangement of vascular bundles, and the color is darker. It has a slight odor and a bitter taste.
    本品呈不规则圆块状,长5~10 cm,直径3~6 cm。表面棕黄色或淡褐色,粗糙不平,有深皱纹。质坚硬,不易击碎、破开,横断面淡黄白色,导管束略呈放射状排列,色较深。气微,味苦。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)The powder is yellowish-white or grayish-white. Numerous stone cells are present, pale yellow or yellow, elongated or polygonal, with a diameter of 18-66 μm, and the walls are thickened on three sides. The cell cavity contains calcium oxalate prisms. Calcium oxalate prisms are square or rectangular, with a diameter of 4-28 μm. Cork cells are yellow-brown or golden yellow, and the surface appears polygonal with slight lignification. There are many starch grains, which are spherical, helmet-shaped, or polygonal round with a diameter of 4-40 μm. The hilum is in the shape of a herringbone, short arc, or dot; compound grains consist of 2-5 sub-grains.
    (1)本品粉末黄白色或灰白色。石细胞众多,淡黄色或黄色,类长方形或多角形,直径18~66 μm,壁多三面增厚,胞腔内含草酸钙方晶。草酸钙方晶呈方形或长方形,直径4~28 μm。木栓细胞黄棕色或金黄色,表面观呈多角形,微木化。淀粉粒甚多,类球形、盔帽形或多角状圆形,直径4~40 μm,脐点人字形、短弧状或点状;复粒由2~5分粒组成。

    (2)Take 1 g of this product powder, add 20 ml of methanol, ultrasonic treatment for 30 minutes, filtration, filtrate evaporation, residue add 2 ml of methanol to dissolve, as a test solution. Another take 1 g of the control herb, the same method into the control herb solution. Then take Gulenbin control, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.5 mg per ml, as the control solution. According to the thin layer chromatography <0502> test, absorb the above three solutions of 2 ~ 3 μl, were spotted on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, cyclohexane - ethyl acetate - methanol - concentrated ammonia solution (8: 9: 2: 1) of the upper solution as the unfolding agent, unfolding, remove, drying, sprayed with 10% sulfuric acid solution of ethanol, heated to 105 °C until the spot color clear, and placed in the daylight and ultraviolet light (365 nm) under the examination. In the chromatogram of the test article, in the corresponding position with the chromatogram of the control herb and the chromatogram of the control article, the same color spots were shown in daylight; the same color fluorescent spots were shown under ultraviolet light.
    (2)取本品粉末1 g,加甲醇20 ml,超声处理30分钟,滤过,滤液蒸干,残渣加甲醇2 ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取金果榄对照药材1 g,同法制成对照药材溶液。再取古伦宾对照品,加甲醇制成每1 ml含0.5 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各2~3 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以环己烷-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-浓氨试液(8:9:2:1)的上层溶液为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%硫酸乙醇溶液,在105 °C加热至斑点显色清晰,置日光和紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱和对照品色谱相应的位置上,日光下显相同颜色的斑点;紫外光下显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 13.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 7.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using ethanol as the solvent, not less than 7.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filler; use acetonitrile-water (40: 60) as the mobile phase; detect at a wavelength of 210 nm. The theoretical number of plates calculated according to the peak of berberine should not be less than 2500.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈-水(40:60)为流动相;检测波长为210 nm。理论板数按古伦宾峰计算应不低于2500。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take an appropriate amount of berberine reference substance, accurately weigh, and prepare a solution containing 0.25 mg per ml with 70% methanol.
    取古伦宾对照品适量,精密称定,用70%甲醇制成每1 ml含0.25 mg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take about 0.5 g of the powder (passed through a No. 3 sieve) of the test substance, accurately weigh, accurately add 10 ml of 70% methanol, weigh, treat with ultrasound (power 200 W, frequency 59 kHz) for 20 minutes, cool, weigh again, make up for the lost weight with 70% methanol, shake well, filter, accurately take 1 ml of the filtrate, place it in a 10 ml volumetric flask, add 70% methanol to the mark, shake well, and obtain the test solution.
    取本品粉末(过三号筛)约0.5 g,精密称定,精密加入70%甲醇10 ml,称定重量,超声处理(功率200 W,频率59 kHz)20分钟,放冷,再称定重量,用70%甲醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液1 ml,置10 ml量瓶中,加70%甲醇至刻度,摇匀,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Accurately take 10 μl of the reference solution and the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    Calculated on the dried basis, the content of berberine (C20H22O6) should not be less than 1.0%.

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Tinospora Root 金果榄

    Processing 炮制

    Eliminate Foreign matter, soak, soften thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and dry.

    性状 | Description

    In subrounded or irregular thick slices. Externally brownishyellow to dark brown, wrinkled and uneven. Cut surface pale yellowish-white, sometimes sparse greyish-brown radial striations visible, sometimes with clefts. Odour slight; taste bitter.

    鉴别 | Identification

    As required for the crude drug.

    检查 | Examination

    As required for the crude drug.

    浸出物 | Extractives

    As required for the crude drug.

    Assay 含量测定

    As required for the crude drug.

    Property 性


    Flavor 味


    Meridian tropism 归经

    Lung and large intestine meridians.

    Actions 功能

    To clear heat and detoxify, benefit the throat, and relieve pain.

    Indications 主治

    Used for sore throat, carbuncle, furuncle, diarrhea, dysentery, and epigastric pain.

    Dosage 用量

    3-9 g. For external use, appropriate amount.
    3~9 g。外用适量。

    Administration 用法

    For external use, appropriate amount is powdered and blown on the throat or vinegar is used to grind and apply to the affected area.

    Storage 贮藏

    Store in a dry place and protect from moth.

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  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
    Created date:
    Updated date:


    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Lysimachiae Herba
    Lysimachia Herb

    Overview 概述

    Lysimachia Herb is the dried aerial part of Lysimachia christinae Hance (Fam. Primulaceae). The drug is collected in summer and autumn, removed from impurities, and dried.
    本品为报春花科植物过路黄Lysimachia christinae Hance的干燥全草。夏、秋二季采收,除去杂质,晒干。

    Description 性状

    The drug is often tangled into a mass, hairless or sparsely pubescent. Stems twisted, surface brown or dark reddish-brown, with longitudinal ridges, sometimes with adventitious roots at lower nodes, solid in cross-section. Leaves opposite, mostly wrinkled and crumpled, when flattened, broadly ovate or cordate, 1-4 cm long, 1-5 cm wide, slightly concave at base, entire at margin; upper surface grayish-green or brownish-brown, lower surface lighter, main veins distinctly raised, when soaked in water, black or brown stripes visible by transmitted light; petiole 1-4 cm long. Some with flowers, yellow, solitary in leaf axils, with long pedicels. Capsule globose. Odour, faint; taste, insipid.
    本品常缠结成团,无毛或被疏柔毛。茎扭曲,表面棕色或暗棕红色,有纵纹,下部茎节上有时具须根,断面实心。叶对生,多皱缩,展平后呈宽卵形或心形,长1~4 cm,宽1~5 cm,基部微凹,全缘;上表面灰绿色或棕褐色,下表面色较浅,主脉明显突起,用水浸后,对光透视可见黑色或褐色条纹;叶柄长1~4 cm。有的带花,花黄色,单生叶腋,具长梗。蒴果球形。气微,味淡。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)Transverse section of stem: Epidermal cells covered with a cuticle, sometimes glandular hairs visible, head cells single, stalk cells 1-2. Cork layer wide[1], some cells containing reddish-brown secretions; secretory ducts scattered, surrounded by 5-10 secretory cells, containing reddish-brown block secretions; endodermis distinct. Medullary sheath fibres arranged in interrupted rings, walls slightly lignified. Phloem narrow. Xylem arranged in rings. Pith often hollow. Thin-walled cells containing starch grains.

    Leaf surface: Glandular hairs reddish-brown, head cells single, nearly circular, 25 μm in diameter, stalk cells single. Secretory ducts scattered in leaf parenchyma, 45 μm in diameter, containing reddish-brown secretions. Non-glandular hairs visible on stems and leaf surfaces, 1-17 cells, straight or curved, some cells constricted, 59-1070 μm long, 13-53 μm in diameter at base, surface with fine striations, cell cavity containing yellowish-brown substance.
    叶表面观:腺毛红棕色,头部单细胞,类圆形,直径25 μm,柄单细胞。分泌道散在于叶肉组织内,直径45 μm,含红棕色分泌物。被疏毛者茎、叶表面可见非腺毛,1-17细胞,平直或弯曲,有的细胞呈缢缩状,长59~1070 μm,基部直径13~53 μm,表面可见细条纹,胞腔内含黄棕色物。

    (2)To 1 g of the powder add 50 ml of 80% methanol, heat under reflux for 1 hour, cool, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, dissolve the residue in 10 ml of water, extract with two 10-ml portions of ether, discard the ether layer, add 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid to the aqueous layer, heat in a water bath for 1 hour, remove, cool rapidly, extract with two 20-ml portions of ethyl acetate, combine the ethyl acetate layers, wash with 30 ml of water, discard the aqueous layer, evaporate the ethyl acetate layer to dryness, dissolve the residue in 1 ml of methanol as the test solution. Prepare a solution containing 0.5 mg of quercetin CRS and a solution containing 0.5 mg of kaempferol CRS in methanol as the Reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid (10: 8: 1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 5 μl of the test solution and 2 μl of each of the Reference solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Spray with a 3% solution of aluminium chloride in ethanol, heat at 105 °C for a few minutes, examine under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The fluorescent spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots in the chromatogram obtained with the Reference solutions.
    (2)取本品粉末1 g,加80%甲醇50 ml,加热回流1小时,放冷,滤过,滤液蒸干,残渣加水10 ml使溶解,用乙醚振摇提取2次,每次10 ml,弃去乙醚液,水液加稀盐酸10 ml,置水浴中加热1小时,取出,迅速冷却,用乙酸乙酯振摇提取2次,每次20 ml,合并乙酸乙酯液,用水30 ml洗涤,弃去水液,乙酸乙酯液蒸干,残渣加甲醇1 ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取槲皮素对照品、山柰酚对照品,加甲醇制成每1 ml各含0.5 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取供试品溶液5 μl、对照品溶液各2 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯-甲酸乙酯-甲酸(10:8:1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以3%三氯化铝乙醇溶液,在105°C加热数分钟,置紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Impurities 杂质

    Not more than 8.0 per cent <2301>.

    Water 水分

    Not more than 13.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 13.0 per cent <2302>.

    Acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶性灰分

    Not more than 5.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using 75% ethanol as the solvent, not less than 8.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filler; use methanol-0.4% phosphoric acid solution (50: 50) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength is 360 nm. The theoretical plate number calculated from the quercetin peak should not be less than 2500.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以甲醇-0.4%磷酸溶液(50:50)为流动相;检测波长为360 nm。理论板数按槲皮素峰计算应不低于2500。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Accurately weigh an appropriate amount of quercetin CRS and kaempferol CRS, add 80% methanol to make a solution containing 4 μg of quercetin and 20 μg of kaempferol per ml.
    取槲皮素对照品、山柰酚对照品适量,精密称定,加80%甲醇制成每1 ml各含槲皮素4 μg、山柰酚20 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Accurately weigh about 1.5 g of the powder (passed through a No. 3 sieve) of the drug, place it in a stoppered conical flask, accurately add 50 ml of 80% methanol, stopper tightly, weigh, heat under reflux for 1 hour, cool, weigh again, make up the loss in weight with 80% methanol, shake well, filter. Accurately measure 25 ml of the filtrate, accurately add 5 ml of hydrochloric acid, heat in a water bath at 90°C for 1 hour, remove, cool rapidly, transfer to a 50 ml volumetric flask, dilute with 80% methanol to the mark, shake well, filter, take the filtrate, and set aside.
    取本品粉末(过三号筛)约1.5 g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入80%甲醇50 ml,密塞,称定重量,加热回流1小时,放冷,再称定重量,用80%甲醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过。精密量取续滤液25 ml,精密加入盐酸5 ml,置90 ℃水浴中加热水解1小时,取岀,迅速冷却,转移至50 ml量瓶中,用80%甲醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,滤过,取续滤液,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Accurately draw 10 μl of each of the reference solution and the test solution, inject into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    Calculated on the dried basis, the total content of quercetin (C15H10O7) and kaempferol (C15H10O6) should not be less than 0.10%.

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Lysimachia Herb 金钱草

    Processing 炮制

    Eliminate Foreign matter, rinse with Water, cut into sections, and dry.

    Description 性状

    In irregular sections. Stems brown or dark brown, striated longitudinally, fracture solid. Leaves opposite, when whole, broadly ovate or cordate; the upper surface greyish-green or dark brown, the lower surface pale in colour, midrib distinctly prominent, the black or brown stripes visible against the light after soaking in water. Occasionally flowers, yellow, solitary vein. Odour, slight; taste, weak.

    Identification 鉴别

    As required for the crude drug.

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    As required for the crude drug.

    Total ash 总灰分

    As required for the crude drug.

    Acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶性灰分

    As required for the crude drug.

    Extractives 浸出物

    As required for the crude drug.

    Assay 含量测定

    As required for the crude drug.

    Property 性

    Slightly cold.

    Flavor 味

    Sweet and salty.

    Meridian tropism 归经

    Liver, gallbladder, kidney, and bladder meridians.

    Actions 功能

    To eliminate dampness and relieve jaundice, promote diuresis and relieve stranguria, detoxify and reduce swelling.

    Indications 主治

    Used for damp-heat jaundice, distension and pain in the hypochondrium, urinary calculi, hot stranguria, painful urination, carbuncles and furuncles, snake and insect bites.

    Dosage 用量

    15-60 g.
    15~60 g。

    Administration 用法


    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a dry place.

    Review accepted
    Last reviewed date:
  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
    Created date:
    Updated date:


    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Rhizoma Fagopyri Dibotryis

    Overview 概述

    Rhizoma Fagopyri Dibotryis is the dried rhizome and root of Fagopyrum dibotrys (D.Don) Hara (Fam. Polygonaceae). The drug is collected in winter, removed from stem and root hairs, washed clean, and dried in the sun.
    本品为蓼科植物金荞麦Fagopyrum dibotrys(D.Don)Hara的干燥根茎。冬季采挖,除去茎和须根,洗净,晒干。

    Description 性状

    Rhizomes irregularly massed or cylindrical, often with tuberous branches, 3-15 cm long, 1-4 cm in diameter; surface brownish-brown, with transverse nodes and longitudinal wrinkles, densely dotted with pustular pores, and with concave circular root scars and residual root hairs. Texture hard, not easily broken, fracture pale yellow-white or pale reddish-brown, with radial texture, central medullary part darker in color. Odour, slight; taste, slightly astringent.
    本品呈不规则团块或圆柱状,常有瘤状分枝,顶端有的有茎残基,长3~15 cm,直径1~4 cm。表面棕褐色,有横向环节和纵皱纹,密布点状皮孔,并有凹陷的圆形根痕和残存须根。质坚硬,不易折断,断面淡黄白色或淡棕红色,有放射状纹理,中央髓部色较深。气微,味微涩。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)The powder is light brown. Numerous starch grains are present, single grains are spherical, elliptical or ovate, 5-48 μm in diameter, with hilum punctate, stellate, fissured or bird-like, located in the center or biased to one end, large grains show layering; compound grains consist of 2-4 sub-grains; half-compound grains are visible. Wood fibers are bundled, 10-38 μm in diameter, with oblique or cross-shaped pits. Calcium oxalate cluster crystals are 10-62 μm in diameter. Wood parenchyma cells are square or elliptical, 28-37 μm in diameter, up to about 100 μm in length, with slightly thickened walls and sparse pits. Vascular tracheids and libriform fibers are 21-83 μm in diameter.
    (1)本品粉末淡棕色。淀粉粒甚多,单粒类球形、椭圆形或卵圆形,直径5~48 μm,脐点点状、星状、裂缝状或飞鸟状,位于中央或偏于一端,大粒可见层纹;复粒由2~4分粒组成;半复粒可见。木纤维成束,直径10~38 μm,具单斜纹孔或十字形纹孔。草酸钙簇晶直径10~62 μm。木薄壁细胞类方形或椭圆形,直径28~37 μm,长约至100 μm,壁稍厚,可见稀疏的纹孔。具缘纹孔导管和网纹导管直径21~83 μm。

    (2)Take 2.5 g of the drug, add 20 ml of methanol, let stand for 1 hour, heat under reflux for 1 hour, cool, filter, concentrate the filtrate to 5 ml as the test solution. Take another 1 g of Rhizoma Fagopyri Dibotryis, prepare the reference solution in the same way. Take rutin CRS, add methanol to produce a solution containing 1 mg per ml as the reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of toluene-acetic acid-ethyl acetate-methanol-formic acid (1: 2: 0.2: 0.1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 5-10 μl of each of the test solution, the reference solution, and the reference drug solution. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Spray with a 25% solution of phosphomolybdic acid in ethanol, heat at 110 °C to the spots clear. The spots in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution correspond in position and colour to the spots in the chromatograms obtained with the reference drug solution and the reference solution.
    (2)取本品2.5 g,加甲醇20 ml,放置1小时,加热回流1小时,放冷,滤过,滤液浓缩至5 ml,作为供试品溶液。另取金荞麦对照药材1 g,同法制成对照药材溶液。再取表儿茶素对照品,加甲醇制成每1 ml含1 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取供试品溶液5~10 μl、对照药材溶液和对照品溶液各5 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-甲酸(1:2:0.2:0.1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以25%磷钼酸乙醇溶液,在110 °C加热至斑点显色清晰。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱和对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 15.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 5.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the hot maceration method>, using diluted ethanol as the solvent, not less than 14.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filler; use acetonitrile-0.004% phosphoric acid solution (10: 90) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength is 280 nm. The theoretical plate number calculated from the peak of rutin should not be less than 6000.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈-0.004%磷酸溶液(10:90)为流动相;检测波长为280 nm。理论板数按表儿茶素峰计算应不低于6000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take an appropriate amount of rutin CRS, accurately weigh, add the mobile phase to produce a solution containing 25 μg per ml, and mix well.
    取表儿茶素对照品适量,精密称定,加流动相制成每1 ml含25 μg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take about 2 g of the coarse powder of the drug, accurately weigh, place it in a stoppered conical flask, accurately add 50 ml of diluted ethanol, seal tightly, accurately weigh, let stand for 1 hour, heat under reflux for 1 hour, cool, weigh again, make up for the weight loss with diluted ethanol, shake well, filter, accurately take 25 ml of the filtrate, concentrate under reduced pressure (50-70 °C) to near dryness, wash the residue with a mixed solution of acetonitrile-water (10: 90) in portions, transfer the washing solution to a 10 ml volumetric flask, add a mixed solution of acetonitrile-water (10: 90) to the mark, shake well, centrifuge (at a speed of 3000 rpm) for 5 minutes, accurately take 5 ml of the supernatant, apply to a polyamide column (30-60 mesh, inner diameter 1.0 cm, column length 15 cm, wet packing), elute with 50 ml of water, discard the eluate, elute with 100 ml of ethanol, collect the eluate, concentrate under reduced pressure (50-70 °C) to near dryness, dissolve the residue with a mixed solution of acetonitrile-water (10: 90), transfer to a 10 ml volumetric flask, dilute with a mixed solution of acetonitrile-water (10: 90) to the mark, shake well, and obtain the test solution.
    取本品粗粉约2 g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入稀乙醇50 ml,密塞,精密称定,放置1小时,加热回流1小时,放冷,再称定重量,用稀乙醇补足减失的重量,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液25 ml,减压浓缩(50~70 °C)至近干,残渣加乙腈-水(10:90)混合溶液分次洗涤,洗液转移至10 ml量瓶中,加乙腈-水(10:90)混合溶液至刻度,摇匀,离心(转速为每分钟3000转)5分钟,精密量取上清液5 ml,加于聚酰胺柱(30~60目,内径为1.0 cm,柱长为15 cm,湿法装柱)上,以水50 ml洗脱,弃去水液,再用乙醇100 ml洗脱,收集洗脱液,减压浓缩(50~70 °C)至近干,残渣用乙腈-水(10:90)混合溶液溶解,转移至10 ml量瓶中,加乙腈-水(10:90)混合溶液稀释至刻度,摇匀,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Accurately take 20 μl of each of the reference solution and the test solution, inject into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各20 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    Calculated on the dried basis, the content of rutin (C15H14O6) should not be less than 0.030%.

    Prepared slices 饮片

    Rhizoma Fagopyri Dibotryis 金荞麦

    Processing 炮制

    Eliminate Foreign matter, wash clean, soften briefly, cut into thick slices, and dry.

    Description 性状

    In irregular thick slices. Externally brown, some falling off. Cut surface pale yellowish-white or pale brownish-red, radiately striated, some with pith in deeper colour. Odour slight; taste slightly astringent.

    含量测定 | Assay

    It contains oot less than 0. 020 per cent of (-)-epicatechin (C15H14O6), following the method for the crude drug.

    Identification 鉴别

    As required for the crude drug.

    Examination 检查

    As required for the crude drug.

    Extractives 浸出物

    As required for the crude drug.

    Property 性


    Flavor 味

    Slightly pungent and astringent.

    Meridian tropism 归经

    Lung meridian.

    Actions 功能

    To clear heat and detoxify, promote suppuration and eliminate stasis.

    Indications 主治

    Used for lung abscess with expectoration of pus, lung heat with cough and dyspnea, and mastitis with swelling and pain.

    Dosage 用量

    15-45 g.
    15~45 g。

    Administration 用法

    Decocted with water or yellow rice wine in a sealed container over water.

    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a dry place, protect from mold and moth.

    Review accepted
    Last reviewed date:
  • Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)中国药典(2020年版)
    Created date:
    Updated date:


    English text reference: *Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition) *

    Lagotidis Herba
    Lagotidis Herb

    Overview 概述

    Lagotidis Herb is the dried aerial part of Lagotis brevituba Maxim. (Fam. Scrophulariaceae). The drug is collected in summer and autumn at flowering, removed from impurities, washed, and dried in the shade.
    本品系藏族习用药材。为玄参科植物短筒兔耳草Lagotis brevituba Maxim.的干燥全草。夏、秋二季花开时采收,除去杂质,洗净,阴干。

    Description 性状

    The drug is 5-15 cm long. Rhizome cylindrical, slightly curved, internodes close together, resembling silkworm; surface grayish-brown or light purplish-brown; texture brittle, easily broken, fracture brownish or grayish-yellow, with 3-4 white dot-like vascular bundles arranged in a ring. Roots slender, cylindrical, twisted, surface light yellowish-brown or grayish-brown, with longitudinal wrinkles. Radical leaves with long petioles; leaf blades crumpled and broken, when whole, circular or ovate, blunt at apex, margin with rounded teeth, base broadly cuneate. Spike-like inflorescence terminal. Fruit elongate-ovoid, blackish-brown. Odour, slight; taste, slightly bitter.
    本品长5~15 cm。根茎呈圆柱形,略弯曲,节间紧密,形似蚕;表面灰褐色或浅紫褐色;质脆,易折断,断面棕褐色或灰黄色,有3~4个白色的点状维管束,排列成环。根细长,圆柱形,扭曲,表面浅黄褐色或灰褐色,有纵皱纹。基生叶,具长柄;叶片多卷曲破碎,完整者展平后呈圆形或卵圆形,先端钝圆,边缘具圆齿,基部宽楔形。穗状花序顶生。果长圆形,黑褐色。气微,味微苦。

    Identification 鉴别

    (1)The powder is reddish-brown. Numerous starch grains, single grains are round, with a diameter of 3-7 μm, occasionally helmet-shaped, with a dot-like hilum; compound grains consist of 2-3 (6) component grains. Thin-walled cells are round or round-like, containing light brown round-like nuclear substances. Epidermal cells of the lower surface of the leaf have slightly curved periclinal walls, stomata are anomocytic and anisocytic. Vessels are mostly reticulate and spiral.
    (1)本品粉末红棕色。淀粉粒众多,单粒类圆形,直径3~7 μm,偶见盔帽形,脐点点状;复粒由2~3(6)分粒组成。薄壁细胞圆形或类圆形,内含浅棕色类圆形核状物。叶下表皮细胞垂周壁稍弯曲,气孔不定式和不等式。导管多为网纹导管和螺纹导管。

    (2)To 0.5 g of the powder add 10 ml of methanol, treat with ultrasound for 15 minutes, filter, and use the filtrate as the test solution. Prepare separately a solution of the reference substances, arctiin and verbascoside, in methanol to contain 1 mg per ml as the Reference solution. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography <0502>, using polyamide film as the coating substance and a mixture of methanol-acetic acid-water (2: 1: 7) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 2 μl of each of the above three solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Examine under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The fluorescent spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and colour to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the Reference solution.
    (2)取本品粉末0.5 g,加甲醇10 ml,超声处理15分钟,滤过,滤液作为供试品溶液。另取松果菊苷对照品、毛蕊花糖苷对照品,加甲醇分别制成每1 ml含1 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各2 μl,分别点于同一聚酰胺薄层板上,以甲醇-醋酸-水(2∶1∶7)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,置紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。

    Examination 检查

    Water 水分

    Not more than 8.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.

    Total ash 总灰分

    Not more than 15.0 per cent <2302>.

    Acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶性灰分

    Not more than 10.0 per cent <2302>.

    Extractives 浸出物

    Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201, the cold maceration method>, using ethanol as the solvent, not less than 8.0 per cent.

    Assay 含量测定

    Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.

    Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验

    Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filler; use acetonitrile-methanol-1% acetic acid solution (10: 15: 75) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength is 334 nm. The theoretical plate number calculated from the peak of arctiin should not be less than 4000.
    以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈-甲醇-1%醋酸溶液(10∶15∶75)为流动相;检测波长为334 nm。理论板数按松果菊苷峰计算应不低于4000。

    Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备

    Take an appropriate amount of arctiin reference substance, accurately weigh, place it in a brown volumetric flask, add the mobile phase to make a solution containing 0.25 mg per ml, and mix well.
    取松果菊苷对照品适量,精密称定,置棕色量瓶中,加流动相制成每1 ml含0.25 mg的溶液,即得。

    Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备

    Take about 0.5 g of the powder (passed through a No. 4 sieve) of the test substance, accurately weigh, place it in a 50 ml brown volumetric flask, accurately add 25 ml of the mobile phase, weigh, soak for 30 minutes, treat with ultrasound (power 230 W, frequency 35 kHz) for 15 minutes, cool, weigh again, make up for the lost weight with the mobile phase, shake well, centrifuge, let stand, take the supernatant and place it in a brown bottle, and obtain the test solution.
    取本品粉末(过四号筛)约0.5 g,精密称定,置50 ml棕色量瓶中,精密加入流动相25 ml,称定重量,浸泡30分钟,超声处理(功率230 W,频率35 kHz)15分钟,放冷,再称定重量,用流动相补足减失的重量,摇匀,离心,静置,取上清液置棕色瓶中,即得。

    Assay method 测定法

    Accurately draw 10-20 μl of the reference solution and the test solution, respectively, inject into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
    分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10~20 μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。

    Calculated on the dried basis, the content of arctiin (C33H46O20) should not be less than 0.80%.

    Property 性


    Flavor 味

    Bitter and sweet.

    Meridian tropism 归经

    Lung, heart, and liver meridians.

    功能 | Actions

    To clear heat, detoxify, promote diuresis, soothe the liver, promote blood circulation, and regulate menstruation.

    Indications 主治

    Used for fever and thirst, lung heat cough, headache and dizziness, damp-heat jaundice, irregular menstruation, and poisoning by drugs and food.

    Dosage 用量

    1-6 g.
    1~6 g。

    用法 | Administration


    Storage 贮藏

    Preserve in a well-ventilated and dry place.

    Review accepted
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