NMM ID: NMM-0B9D Systematic Name: Vicia faba Nutshell Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制蚕豆坚果壳(jìng zhì cán dòu jiān guǒ ké) Generic Name: Jing-can-dou-jia-ke Generic Chinese Name: 净蚕豆荚壳(jìng cán dòu jiá ké) Abstract:Jing-can-dou-jia-ke: Can-dou-jia-ke processed by cleaning.
净蚕豆荚壳:净制蚕豆荚壳NMM ID: NMM-0B9C Systematic Name: Vicia faba Nutshell Systematic Chinese Name: 蚕豆坚果壳(cán dòu jiān guǒ ké) Generic Name: Can-dou-jia-ke Generic Chinese Name: 蚕豆荚壳(cán dòu jiá ké) Abstract:Can-dou-jia-ke, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. Fava bean pod husk) refers to the fruit husk of the plant Vicia faba L. in the legume family. It has the effects of stopping bleeding and healing wounds. It is mainly used to treat hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematemesis, hematochezia, hematuria, surgical bleeding, burns, and pemphigus.
蚕豆荚壳,中药名。为豆科巢菜属植物蚕豆Vicia faba L.的果壳。具有止血,敛疮的功效。主治咯血,衄血,吐血,便血,尿血,手术出血,烧伤,天疱疮。NMM ID: NMM-0B9B Systematic Name: Brachystemma calycinum Herb or Root Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制短瓣花全草或根(jìng zhì duǎn bàn huā quán cǎo huò gēn) Generic Name: Jing-bai-niu-xi Generic Chinese Name: 净白牛膝(jìng bái niú xī) Abstract:Jing-bai-niu-xi: Bai-niu-xi processed by cleaning.
净白牛膝:净制白牛膝NMM ID: NMM-0B9A Systematic Name: Brachystemma calycinum Herb or Root Systematic Chinese Name: 短瓣花全草或根(duǎn bàn huā quán cǎo huò gēn) Generic Name: Bai-niu-xi Generic Chinese Name: 白牛膝(bái niú xī) Abstract:Bai-niu-xi, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. the root or whole plant of Brachystemma calycinum D.Don, a plant in the Caryophyllaceae family, has the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting urination to relieve edema, detoxification, and reducing swelling. It is mainly used for gynecological disorders such as dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, and mass formation, as well as for conditions such as hot painful urinary dysfunction, bloody urine, leukorrhea, arthralgia, spasm of meridians, traumatic injury, carbuncle, sore, and diphtheria.
白牛膝,中药名。为石竹科短瓣花属植物短瓣花Brachystemma calycinum D.Don的根或全草。具有活血化瘀,通淋泄浊,解毒消肿的功效。主治血瘀痛经、经闭、倒经,癥瘕结块,热淋,血淋,白浊,白带,痹证,经脉拘挛,跌打损伤,痈肿疮毒,乳蛾,白喉。NMM ID: NMM-0B99 Systematic Name: Leonurus glaucescens Herb Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制灰白益母草全草(jìng zhì huī bái yì mǔ cǎo quán cǎo) Generic Name: Jing-fen-lv-yi-mu-cao Generic Chinese Name: 净粉绿益母草(jìng fěn lǜ yì mǔ cǎo) Abstract:Jing-fen-lv-yi-mu-cao: Fen-lv-yi-mu-cao processed by cleaning.
净粉绿益母草:净制粉绿益母草NMM ID: NMM-0B98 Systematic Name: Leonurus glaucescens Herb Systematic Chinese Name: 灰白益母草全草(huī bái yì mǔ cǎo quán cǎo) Generic Name: Fen-lv-yi-mu-cao Generic Chinese Name: 粉绿益母草(fěn lǜ yì mǔ cǎo) Abstract:Fen-lv-yi-mu-cao, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. Leonurus glaucescens Bunge) is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It belongs to the Labiatae family and is used as the whole plant. Its functions include promoting blood circulation to regulate menstruation, diuresis, and reducing swelling. It is used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, incomplete postpartum discharge, oliguria, and edema; as well as acute nephritis with edema.
粉绿益母草,中药材名。本品为唇形科粉绿益母草LeonurusglaucescensBunge,以全草入药。功能主治为:活血调经,利尿消肿。用于月经不调,痛经,经闭,恶露不尽,水肿尿少;急性肾炎水肿。NMM ID: NMM-0B97 Systematic Name: Microhyla pulchra Body Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制花姬蛙全体(jìng zhì huā jī wā quán tǐ) Generic Name: Jing-hua-ji-wa Generic Chinese Name: 净花姬蛙(jìng huā jī wā) Abstract:Jing-hua-ji-wa: Hua-ji-wa processed by cleaning.
净花姬蛙:净制花姬蛙NMM ID: NMM-0B96 Systematic Name: Microhyla pulchra Body Systematic Chinese Name: 花姬蛙全体(huā jī wā quán tǐ) Generic Name: Hua-ji-wa Generic Chinese Name: 花姬蛙(huā jī wā) Abstract:Hua-ji-wa, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. the whole body of the Microhyla pulchra (Hallowell), a member of the Microhylidae family. It has the effects of dispelling wind, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis. It is mainly used to treat rheumatic pain, lumbar sprains, bruises, and fractures.
花姬蛙,中药名。为姬蛙科动物姬娃属花姬蛙Microhyla pulchra(Hallowell)的全体。具有祛风通络,活血祛瘀的功效。主治风湿痹痛,腰扭伤,跌打损伤,骨折。NMM ID: NMM-0B95 Systematic Name: Pseudostellaria heterophylla Herb Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制孩儿参全草(jìng zhì hái ér cān quán cǎo) Generic Name: Jing-jin-huai Generic Chinese Name: 净金槐(jìng jīn huái) Abstract:Jing-jin-huai: Jin-huai processed by cleaning.
净金槐:净制金槐NMM ID: NMM-0B94 Systematic Name: Pseudostellaria heterophylla Herb Systematic Chinese Name: 孩儿参全草(hái ér cān quán cǎo) Generic Name: Jin-huai Generic Chinese Name: 金槐(jīn huái) Abstract:Jin-huai, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. This product is the whole plant of the Lamiaceae plant Pseudosasa japonica. It is harvested in summer and autumn. Its main functions are nourishing yin and moistening dryness, stopping cough, and regulating menstruation. It is used to treat cough due to pulmonary tuberculosis and irregular menstruation.