Brachystemma calycinum Herb or Root Cleaned
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Jing-bai-niu-xi: Bai-niu-xi processed by cleaning.

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Systematic Nomenclature for Natural Medicinal Materials天然药材系统命名法
Systematic Name
Brachystemma calycinum Herb or Root Cleaned
Systematic Chinese Name
净制短瓣花全草或根(jìng zhì duǎn bàn huā quán cǎo huò gēn)
Generic Name
Generic Chinese Name
净白牛膝(jìng bái niú xī)
NMM Type
Species Origins
Brachystemma calycinum | 短瓣花
Medicinal Parts
herb | 全草orroot | 根
Special Descriptions
Processing Methods
cleaned | 净制
Systematic Name Explanation

Jing-bai-niu-xi: Bai-niu-xi processed by cleaning.

Generic Name Explanation

NMMGN follows the Chinese name of the "National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology Achievement Transformation and Standard Promotion" project.

Parent NMM
Child NMMs
MLMD EncyclopediaMLMD百科

Efficacy and Functions
功效作用 功能

Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, promoting urination to clear turbidity, detoxifying and reducing swelling. Mainly used for治疗.

Blood stasis causing painful menstruation, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, masses and lumps, hot dysuria, hematuria, leukorrhea, leukorrhea, obstruction syndrome, meridian spasm, trauma, carbuncle and sores, mastitis, and diphtheria. Dosage and administration.

Internal use: Decoction, 15-30g, can be used in high doses up to 60g. External use: Boil the whole herb in water for washing; or grind and apply as a poultice. Precautions.

"Dian Nan Ben Cao": "Pregnant women should avoid taking it, as it may cause miscarriage due to its properties." Chemical components

BrachysteminA is isolated from the root.

1、《滇南本草》:“补肝,行血,破瘀块,凉血热。治月经闭涩,腹痛,产后发热,虚烧蓐劳,室女逆经,衄、呕、吐血,红崩白带,尿急淋沥。寒湿气盛,筋骨疼痛,强筋舒筋,攻疮痈热毒红肿,炸腮乳蛾,男子血淋,赤白便浊,妇人赤白带下。”2、《广西本草选编》:“清热解毒,舒筋活络。根:治白喉,风湿痹痛,跌打损伤,月经不调,病后虚弱;茎、叶:外用治手足痉挛,骨折。”临床应用 相关配伍

  1. "Dian Nan Ben Cao": "Tonify the liver, promote blood circulation, break up blood stasis, and cool blood heat. Used for treating menstrual irregularities, abdominal pain, postpartum fever, deficiency heat exhaustion, retrograde menstruation in virgins, bleeding, vomiting, hematemesis, hemorrhage, leukorrhea, and frequent urination. Also effective for treating cold and dampness with joint and bone pain, strengthening tendons, dispersing abscesses, and reducing redness and swelling caused by toxic heat. Can be used for treating mumps, mastitis, hematuria in men, turbid stools with blood, and abnormal vaginal discharge in women."2. "Selected Compilation of Guangxi Materia Medica": "Clears heat, detoxifies, relaxes tendons, and activates collaterals. The roots are used to treat diphtheria, rheumatic pain, bruises, irregular menstruation, and post-illness weakness. The stems and leaves are externally applied to treat spasms in the hands and feet, as well as fractures."Clinical applications and relevant compatibility.

1、治肝家虚热,或筋骨发热,午后怯冷,夜间作烧,四肢酸软,饮食无味,虚汗不止:白牛膝二钱,地骨皮二钱。水煎,点童便、水酒服。2、治妇人肝肾虚损,任督二脉亏伤,不能孕育,白带淋沥等症:白牛膝三钱,小公鸡一只(去肠),将药入鸡内,亦可入盐,煨烂。空心服之,每月经行后服一次,即有孕矣。若不食鸡者,单用白牛膝三钱煎汤,点水酒服,亦可也。(1、2方出自《滇南本草》)3、治跌打损伤:(白牛膝)全草与猪骨煎服,兼浸酒敷患处。(《广西民族药简编》)4、治白喉:短瓣花根60g。水煎服。(《广西本草选编》)加工炮制 采收加工

  1. For treating liver deficiency heat, or heat in the tendons and bones, feeling cold in the afternoon, fever at night, soreness and weakness in the limbs, loss of appetite, and continuous sweating due to deficiency: Take two qian of Achyranthes bidentata and two qian of Dipsacus asperoides. Decoct in water, and take with children's feces and watered wine.2. For treating liver and kidney deficiency in women, damage to the Ren and Du meridians, infertility, excessive leukorrhea, and other symptoms: Take three qian of Achyranthes bidentata and one small rooster (remove the intestines). Put the herbs into the rooster, or mix with salt and simmer until soft. Take on an empty stomach, once after each menstrual cycle, and pregnancy will be achieved. If not consuming chicken, simply decoct three qian of Achyranthes bidentata in water and wine for consumption. (The first and second prescriptions are from "Yunnan Materia Medica.")3. For treating bruises and injuries: Decoct the whole plant of Achyranthes bidentata with pig bones for consumption, and also apply a wine-soaked compress to the affected area. (From "Compilation of Guangxi National Medicine.")4. For treating diphtheria: Take 60g of the roots of Hedyotis diffusa. Decoct in water for consumption. (From "Selected Compilation of Guangxi Materia Medica.") Processing and preparation: Harvest and process.

Harvest from July to October and dry in the sun. Botanical information about the plant species.
7-10月采收,晒干。植物学信息 植物种属

Dianthus is a genus of plants in the Caryophyllaceae family, with Dianthus chinensis being one of the species. Its morphological characteristics include:

A perennial herbaceous plant. The stem climbs on shrubs, reaching up to 2 meters in height, often with 4 ridges, occasionally 6, shiny, sparsely soft-hairy in the upper part, and hairless in the lower part. Single leaves are opposite; petioles are 2-6 cm long; leaf blades are ovate-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, 3.5-7.5 cm long, pointed at the tip, rounded or gradually narrowed to a petiole at the base, with entire margins. The umbel inflorescence is terminal, arranged in a conical shape; sepals are 5, narrowly ovate, membranous, semi-transparent, with 5 veins; petals are 5, white, lanceolate, with entire margins; stamens are 10, with 5 degenerate ones opposite the petals, with wide and fused bases; ovary is globose, hairless, with 2 filiform styles and long stigmas. The capsule is globose, shorter than the persistent sepals, 4-lobed, with 1 seed. The seeds are large, kidney-shaped, with protrusions. Distribution area.

Distributed in Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Tibet. Growing environment.

Born on the edge of mountain forests at an altitude below 2700 meters.

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Inferred by ingredients of the NMM, with literature evidence for ingredient-disease relationships.
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