Microhyla pulchra Body
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Hua-ji-wa, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. the whole body of the Microhyla pulchra (Hallowell), a member of the Microhylidae family. It has the effects of dispelling wind, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis. It is mainly used to treat rheumatic pain, lumbar sprains, bruises, and fractures.
花姬蛙,中药名。为姬蛙科动物姬娃属花姬蛙Microhyla pulchra(Hallowell)的全体。具有祛风通络,活血祛瘀的功效。主治风湿痹痛,腰扭伤,跌打损伤,骨折。

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Systematic Nomenclature for Natural Medicinal Materials天然药材系统命名法
Systematic Name
Microhyla pulchra Body
Systematic Chinese Name
花姬蛙全体(huā jī wā quán tǐ)
Generic Name
Generic Chinese Name
花姬蛙(huā jī wā)
NMM Type
Species Origins
Microhyla pulchra | 花姬蛙
Medicinal Parts
body | 全体
Special Descriptions
Processing Methods
Systematic Name Explanation

This Natural Medicinal Material is derived from the "National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology Achievement Transformation and Standard Promotion" project.

Hua-ji-wa, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. the whole body of the Microhyla pulchra (Hallowell), a member of the Microhylidae family. It has the effects of dispelling wind, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis. It is mainly used to treat rheumatic pain, lumbar sprains, bruises, and fractures.
花姬蛙,中药名。为姬蛙科动物姬娃属花姬蛙Microhyla pulchra(Hallowell)的全体。具有祛风通络,活血祛瘀的功效。主治风湿痹痛,腰扭伤,跌打损伤,骨折。

Generic Name Explanation

NMMGN follows the Chinese name of the "National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology Achievement Transformation and Standard Promotion" project.

Parent NMM
Child NMMs
MLMD EncyclopediaMLMD百科

The efficacy and functions.
功效作用 功能

Dispel wind and open the channels, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Mainly used for treating...

Rheumatic pain, lumbar sprain, contusions, and fractures. Dosage and administration.

Internal use: Infuse 20-30ml, twice daily. External use: Apply an appropriate amount, mix with alcohol and apply as a poultice. Relevant discussion.

"Compendium of Materia Medica of China": It has the functions of dispelling wind, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, promoting tissue regeneration, and strengthening tendons and bones. It is mainly used to treat rheumatic bone pain, lumbar sprains, bruises, and fractures. Processing and preparation involve collection and processing.
《中国药用动物志》:有祛风,活血、祛瘀生新、补筋骨之功能。主治风湿骨痛,腰扭伤痛,跌打骨折等症。加工炮制 采收加工

Capture from May to July, soaked in alcohol for later use. Botanical information: plant species.
5-7月份捕捉,酒浸用。植物学信息 植物种属

The family of Hylidae includes the Hyla genus, which is known as the tree frogs. They are characterized by their physical features.

The body length is 26-30mm, with the head width slightly greater than the head length; the snout is pointed and rounded, with no obvious snout ridge; the nostrils are near the snout, and the distance between the eyes and the eye diameter is equal to or greater than the width of the eyelids; the tympanic membrane is not obvious; the tongue is oval without notches; no vomerine teeth. The forelimbs are very slender, with rounded fingertips and toes, and the order of finger length is 3, 4, 2, 1; the articulation tubercles and palmar tubercles are well developed. The hind limbs are short and stout, with the tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the eye to the shoulder, and the heels of the left and right sides overlap; the toes are slender, webbed, with small and distinct articulation tubercles; both inner and outer metatarsal tubercles are well developed, with free ridges and relatively distant from each other. The skin is relatively smooth, with a few scattered small warts; there are transverse skin grooves behind the eyelids, which extend obliquely backwards on both sides to the shoulders, wrapping around the ventral throat to form throat folds, and the ventral skin is smooth. The dorsal skin is pinkish-brown in color, with several overlapping ∧-shaped dark brown and light brown markings, most notably starting between the shoulders, with three dark ∧-shaped markings, and sometimes discontinuous markings towards the rear, extending obliquely to the hips and the base of the thighs. In addition, there are several narrow and wide light brown ∧-shaped markings parallel to these dark ∧-shaped markings; there are black transverse stripes at the skin grooves on the head, and intermittent oblique dark brown lines from behind the eyes to the hips, with a sinister plot, and from the hips to the front of the thighs is light yellow. The male frog is slightly smaller, with a single subgular vocal sac, and a darker color in the throat region. Distribution area.

Distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other regions. Growing environment

It lives by the riverside, in fields, vegetable gardens, haystacks, drying sheds, and near houses. It is active at night and in the early morning to forage for food, and hides in the mud, soil cracks during the day, feeding on small insects.

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Related Targets相关靶点
Inferred by ingredients of the NMM, with literature evidence for ingredient-target relationships.
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Related Diseases相关疾病
Inferred by ingredients of the NMM, with literature evidence for ingredient-disease relationships.
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