天然药材ID: NMM-0001 系统名: Artemisia annua Part-aerial 系统中文名: 黄花蒿地上部(huáng huā hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Qing-hao 通用中文名: 青蒿(qīng hāo) 摘要:根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:本天然药材为菊科植物黄花蒿Artemisia annua L.的干燥地上部分。秋季花盛开时釆割,除去老茎,阴干。
According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia: 2020 edition: Volume I, this NMM is the dried aerial part of the plant Artemisia annua L. of the family Asteraceae. It is harvested when the flowers are in full bloom in autumn, the old stems are removed, and it is dried in the shade.天然药材ID: NMM-0002 系统名: Artemisia annua Part-aerial Segmented 系统中文名: 段制黄花蒿地上部(duàn zhì huáng huā hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Qing-hao-duan 通用中文名: 青蒿段(qīng hāo duàn) 摘要:根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:青蒿段:青蒿除去杂质,喷淋清水,稍润,切段,干燥。
According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia: 2020 edition: Volume I: Qing-hao-duan: Remove impurities from Qing-hao, spray with clean water, slightly moisten, cut into segments, and dry.天然药材ID: NMM-03S7 系统名: Artemisia japonica Part-aerial 系统中文名: 牡蒿地上部(mǔ hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Mu-hao 通用中文名: 牡蒿(mǔ hāo) 天然药材ID: NMM-01E7 系统名: Artemisia scoparia Part-aerial 系统中文名: 猪毛蒿地上部(zhū máo hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Zhu-mao-hao 通用中文名: 猪毛蒿(zhū máo hāo) 摘要:根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:本品为菊科植物滨蒿Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit.的干燥地上部分。春季幼苗高6~10cm时采收或秋季花蕾长成至花初开时采割,除去杂质和老茎,晒干。春季采收的习称“绵茵陈”,秋季釆割的称“花茵陈”。
This product is the dried above-ground part of the plant Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit., a member of the Asteraceae family. It is harvested when the spring seedlings are 6 to 10 cm tall or when the autumn buds have grown to the point of just beginning to bloom. Impurities and old stems are removed and then dried. The spring harvest is commonly known as "Mian Yin Chen", while the autumn harvest is called "Hua Yin Chen".天然药材ID: NMM-06T2 系统名: Artemisia eriopoda Part-aerial 系统中文名: 南牡蒿地上部(nán mǔ hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Nan-mu-hao 通用中文名: 南牡蒿(nán mǔ hāo) 摘要:南牡蒿,中药名。为菊科蒿属植物南牡蒿ArtemisiaeriopodaBge.的地上部。
Nan-mu-hao, name of Chinese NMMs, is the part aerial of Artemisia eriopoda Bge., a plant of the Asteraceae family.天然药材ID: NMM-09XJ 系统名: Neopallasia pectinata Part-aerial 系统中文名: 栉叶蒿地上部(zhì yè hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Zhi-ye-hao 通用中文名: 栉叶蒿(zhì yè hāo) 摘要:栉叶蒿,中药材名。本品为菊科栉叶蒿Neopallasiapectinata(Pall.)Poljak.[ArtemisiapectinataPall.],以地上全草入药。功能主治为:微苦、涩,寒。清利肝胆,消炎止痛。主治急性黄疸型肝炎,头痛,头晕。
Zhi-ye-hao, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. Neopallasia pectinata (Pall.) Poljak. [Artemisia pectinata Pall.]) is used medicinally with the entire aerial part of the plant. Its functions include being slightly bitter, astringent, and cold in nature. It clears and benefits the liver and gallbladder, and has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It is used to treat acute icteric hepatitis, headache, and dizziness.天然药材ID: NMM-01EA 系统名: Artemisia scoparia Part-aerial Minced 系统中文名: 碎制猪毛蒿地上部(suì zhì zhū máo hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Zhu-mao-hao-sui 通用中文名: 猪毛蒿碎(zhū máo hāo suì) 摘要:根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:猪毛蒿碎:猪毛蒿除去残根和杂质, 搓碎或切碎。绵茵陈筛去灰屑。
Zhu-mao-hao-sui:Zhu-mao-hao is cleaned of residual roots and impurities, then crumbled or chopped. The cottony Chenopodium album is sifted to remove dust particles.天然药材ID: NMM-03S8 系统名: Artemisia japonica Part-aerial and Segmented 系统中文名: 段制牡蒿地上部(duàn zhì mǔ hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Duan-mu-hao 通用中文名: 段牡蒿(duàn mǔ hāo) 摘要:净牡蒿:净制牡蒿
Jing-mu-hao: Mu-hao processed by cleaning.天然药材ID: NMM-09XK 系统名: Neopallasia pectinata Part-aerial Cleaned 系统中文名: 净制栉叶蒿地上部(jìng zhì zhì yè hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Jing-zhi-ye-hao 通用中文名: 净栉叶蒿(jìng zhì yè hāo) 摘要:净栉叶蒿:净制栉叶蒿
Jing-zhi-ye-hao: Zhi-ye-hao processed by cleaning.天然药材ID: NMM-01E9 系统名: Artemisia capillaris vel scoparia Part-aerial 系统中文名: 茵陈蒿或猪毛蒿地上部(yīn chén hāo huò zhū máo hāo dì shàng bù) 通用名: Yin-chen 通用中文名: 茵陈(yīn chén) 摘要:根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:本品为菊科植物滨蒿Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit.或茵陈蒿Artemisia capillaris Thunb.的干燥地上部分。春季幼苗高6~10cm时采收或秋季花蕾长成至花初开时采割,除去杂质和老茎,晒干。春季采收的习称“绵茵陈”,秋季釆割的称“花茵陈”。
This product is the dried above-ground part of the Asteraceae plant Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit. or Artemisia capillaris Thunb. It is harvested when the spring seedlings are 6-10cm tall or when the autumn buds grow to the beginning of flowering, removing impurities and old stems, and then dried. The spring harvest is commonly known as "Mian Yin Chen", and the autumn harvest is called "Hua Yin Chen".