NMM ID: NMM-0001 Systematic Name: Artemisia annua Part-aerial Systematic Chinese Name: 黄花蒿地上部(huáng huā hāo dì shàng bù) Generic Name: Qing-hao Generic Chinese Name: 青蒿(qīng hāo) Abstract:According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia: 2020 edition: Volume I, this NMM is the dried aerial part of the plant Artemisia annua L. of the family Asteraceae. It is harvested when the flowers are in full bloom in autumn, the old stems are removed, and it is dried in the shade.
根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:本天然药材为菊科植物黄花蒿Artemisia annua L.的干燥地上部分。秋季花盛开时釆割,除去老茎,阴干。NMM ID: NMM-07A1 Systematic Name: Artemisia annua Root Systematic Chinese Name: 黄花蒿根(huáng huā hāo gēn) Generic Name: Qing-hao-gen Generic Chinese Name: 青蒿根(qīng hāo gēn) Abstract:Qing-hao-gen, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. The root of Artemisia annua L., a plant of the Asteraceae family, distributed in various parts of China. It has the functions of clearing heat and eliminating dampness, drying dampness and relieving pain, and cooling blood and stopping bleeding. It is mainly used to treat fever and bone steaming, joint soreness, and bloody stools.
青蒿根,中药名。为菊科植物黄花蒿ArtemisiaannuaL.的根。分布于我国南北各地。具有清热除蒸,燥湿除痹,凉血止血之功效。主治劳热骨蒸,关节酸疼,大便下血。NMM ID: NMM-07PR Systematic Name: Artemisia caruifolia Part-aerial Systematic Chinese Name: 青蒿地上部(qīng hāo dì shàng bù) Generic Name: Yuan-qing-hao Generic Chinese Name: 原青蒿(yuán qīng hāo) Abstract:This natural medicinal material is the dried aerial part of the Asteraceae plant Artemisia caruifolia. Note that Artemisia caruifolia Part-aerial (generic name: Yuan-qing-hao) and Artemisia annua Part-aerial (generic name: Qing-hao) are different NMMs. Artemisinin is not contained in Artemisia caruifolia Part-aerial, but only in Artemisia annua Part-aerial.
本天然药材为菊科植物青蒿Artemisia caruifolia的干燥地上部分。注意青蒿地上部(通用名:原青蒿)和黄花蒿地上部(通用名:青蒿)是不同的天然药材。青蒿素不含于青蒿地上部,而仅含于黄花蒿地上部。NMM ID: NMM-06PY Systematic Name: Artemisia annua Fruit Systematic Chinese Name: 黄花蒿果实(huáng huā hāo guǒ shí) Generic Name: Qing-hao-zi Generic Chinese Name: 青蒿子(qīng hāo zi) Abstract:Qing-hao-zi, name of Chinese Medicinal Material. It is the fruit of the plant Artemisia annua L. of the Compositae family, distributed in various parts of China. It has the functions of clearing heat, improving vision, and killing parasites. It is commonly used for conditions such as fever due to overwork, dysentery, malignant sores, scabies, and rubella.
青蒿子,中药名。为菊科植物黄花蒿ArtemisiaannuaL.的果实。分布于我国南北各地。具有清热明目,杀虫之功效。常用于劳热骨蒸,痢疾,恶疮,疥癣,风疹。NMM ID: NMM-07PS Systematic Name: Artemisia caruifolia Part-aerial Segmented Systematic Chinese Name: 段制青蒿地上部(duàn zhì qīng hāo dì shàng bù) Generic Name: Yuan-qing-hao-duan Generic Chinese Name: 原青蒿段(yuán qīng hāo duàn) Abstract:Yuan-qing-hao-duan: Segmented Yuan-qing-hao.
原青蒿段:段制原青蒿。NMM ID: NMM-07A2 Systematic Name: Artemisia annua Root Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制黄花蒿根(jìng zhì huáng huā hāo gēn) Generic Name: Jing-qing-hao-gen Generic Chinese Name: 净青蒿根(jìng qīng hāo gēn) Abstract:Jing-qing-hao-gen: Qing-hao-gen processed by cleaning.
净青蒿根:净制青蒿根NMM ID: NMM-06PZ Systematic Name: Artemisia annua Fruit Cleaned Systematic Chinese Name: 净制黄花蒿果实(jìng zhì huáng huā hāo guǒ shí) Generic Name: Jing-qing-hao-zi Generic Chinese Name: 净青蒿子(jìng qīng hāo zi) Abstract:Jing-qing-hao-zi: Qing-hao-zi processed by cleaning.
净青蒿子:净制青蒿子NMM ID: NMM-0002 Systematic Name: Artemisia annua Part-aerial Segmented Systematic Chinese Name: 段制黄花蒿地上部(duàn zhì huáng huā hāo dì shàng bù) Generic Name: Qing-hao-duan Generic Chinese Name: 青蒿段(qīng hāo duàn) Abstract:According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia: 2020 edition: Volume I: Qing-hao-duan: Remove impurities from Qing-hao, spray with clean water, slightly moisten, cut into segments, and dry.