This product is the dried above-ground part of the plant Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit., a member of the Asteraceae family. It is harvested when the spring seedlings are 6 to 10 cm tall or when the autumn buds have grown to the point of just beginning to bloom. Impurities and old stems are removed and then dried. The spring harvest is commonly known as "Mian Yin Chen", while the autumn harvest is called "Hua Yin Chen".
根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:本品为菊科植物滨蒿Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit.的干燥地上部分。春季幼苗高6~10cm时采收或秋季花蕾长成至花初开时采割,除去杂质和老茎,晒干。春季采收的习称“绵茵陈”,秋季釆割的称“花茵陈”。
NMM ID | nmm-01e7 |
Systematic Name | Artemisia scoparia Part-aerial |
Systematic Chinese Name | 猪毛蒿地上部(zhū máo hāo dì shàng bù) |
Generic Name | Zhu-mao-hao |
Generic Chinese Name | 猪毛蒿(zhū máo hāo) |
NMM Type | plant |
Species Origins | Artemisia scoparia | 猪毛蒿 |
Medicinal Parts | part aerial | 地上部 |
Special Descriptions | |
Processing Methods | |
Systematic Name Explanation | This product is the dried above-ground part of the plant Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit., a member of the Asteraceae family. It is harvested when the spring seedlings are 6 to 10 cm tall or when the autumn buds have grown to the point of just beginning to bloom. Impurities and old stems are removed and then dried. The spring harvest is commonly known as "Mian Yin Chen", while the autumn harvest is called "Hua Yin Chen". |
Generic Name Explanation | NMMGN follows the Chinese name of the relevant Chinese medicinal materials in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia: 2020 edition: Volume I. |
Parent NMM | |
Child NMMs | |
Creators | |
Reviewers |
English text reference: Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)
Overview 概述
Capillary Wormwood Herb is the dried aerial part of Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit. or Artemisia capillaris Thunb. (Fam. Compositae). The drug is collected in spring when the seedlings are 6-10 cm high or in autumn when the flower buds have grown to the beginning of flowering, removed from impurities and old stems, and dried in the sun. The drug collected in spring is called "Mian Yinchen", and the drug collected in autumn is called "Hua Yinchen".
本品为菊科植物滨蒿Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit.或茵陈蒿Artemisia capillaris Thunb.的干燥地上部分。春季幼苗高6~10cm时采收或秋季花蕾长成至花初开时采割,除去杂质和老茎,晒干。春季采收的习称“绵茵陈”,秋季釆割的称“花茵陈”。
Description 性状
Mian Yinchen 绵茵陈
Mian Yinchen is curled into a mass, grayish-white or grayish-green, covered with white pubescence, soft and fluffy. Stems slender, 1.5-2.5cm long, 0.1-0.2cm in diameter, with obvious longitudinal ridges visible after removing the white pubescence on the surface; texture brittle, easily broken. Leaves petiolate; when flattened, leaf blades are 1-3cm long and about 1cm wide, with small lobes ovate or slightly inverted-lanceolate, and acute at the apex. Odour, fragrant; taste, slightly bitter.
Hua Yinchen 花茵陈
Hua Yinchen stems cylindrical, often branched, 30-100cm long, 2-8mm in diameter; surface pale purple or purple, with longitudinal stripes, covered with short pubescence; light in weight, brittle, and the fracture surface is whitish. Leaves dense, or many fallen; lower leaves 2-3 times pinnately deeply lobed, lobes linear or filiform, covered with white pubescence on both surfaces; stem leaves 1-2 times pinnately lobed, base clasping the stem, lobes filiform. Capitula ovoid, mostly gathered into a conical shape, 1.2-1.5mm long, 1-1.2mm in diameter, with short peduncles; involucre 3-4 layers, ovate, involucral bracts 3-lobed; outer florets 6-10, up to 15, female, inner florets 2-10, bisexual. Achenes elongate-ovoid, yellow-brown. Odour, aromatic; taste, slightly bitter.
Identification 鉴别
Mian Yinchen 绵茵陈
(1)The powder is grayish-green. Non-glandular hairs "T" shaped, 600-1700μm long, slightly folded into a "V" shape in the middle, with unequal arms, extremely thick cell walls, and fine fissures in the cell cavity, with a stalk of 1-2 cells. Epidermal cells of the lower surface of the leaf are wavy and curved in the periclinal wall, stomata are anomocytic, and subsidiary cells are 3-5. Glandular hairs are smaller, with an elliptical or shoe-shaped appearance on the upper surface, and the cells are paired.
(2)Take 0.5g of the powder, add 20ml of 50% methanol, sonicate for 30 minutes, centrifuge, and take the supernatant as the test solution. Take artemisinin CRS, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.1mg per ml as the reference solution. Perform the thin-layer chromatography test according to the method specified in <0502>, take 2 μl of each of the above two solutions, spot them on the same silica gel G thin-layer plate, use the upper layer solution of ethyl acetate-butanoic acid-water (7:2.5:2.5) as the developing agent, develop, take out, dry, and examine under ultraviolet light at 365nm. In the chromatogram of the test solution, there should be fluorescent spots of the same color at the corresponding positions as in the chromatogram of the reference solution.
Hua Yinchen 花茵陈
Take 0.4g of the powder, add 10ml of methanol, sonicate for 30 minutes, filter, recover the solvent from the filtrate to dryness, dissolve the residue in 2ml of methanol, and use it as the test solution. Take scoparone CRS, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.4mg per ml as the reference solution. Perform the thin-layer chromatography test according to the method specified in <0502>, take 5μl of each of the above two solutions, spot them on the same silica gel G thin-layer plate, use petroleum ether (60-90°C)-ethyl acetate-acetone (6:3:0.5) as the developing agent, develop, take out, dry, and examine under ultraviolet light at 365nm. In the chromatogram of the test solution, there should be fluorescent spots of the same color at the corresponding positions as in the chromatogram of the reference solution.
Examination 检查
Water 水分
Not more than 12.0 per cent <0832,method 2>.
Extractives 浸出物
Mian Yinchen 绵茵陈
Carry out the method for determination of water-soluble Extractives <2201,the hot maceration method>, not less than 25.0 per cent.
Content determination 含量测定
Mian Yinchen 绵茵陈
Carry out the method for determination of content by high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验
Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filling material; use acetonitrile-0.05% phosphoric acid solution (10:90) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength is 327nm. The theoretical number of plates calculated from the peak of chlorogenic acid should not be less than 5000.
Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备
Take an appropriate amount of chlorogenic acid reference substance, accurately weigh it, place it in a brown volumetric flask, and add 50% methanol to make a solution containing 40μg per ml, and set aside.
Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备
Take about 1g of the powder (passed through a No. 2 sieve), accurately weigh it, place it in a stoppered conical flask, accurately add 50ml of 50% methanol, weigh it, sonicate (power 180W, frequency 42kHz) for 30 minutes, cool, weigh it again, make up for the weight loss with 50% methanol, shake well, centrifuge, accurately take 5ml of the supernatant, place it in a 25ml brown volumetric flask, add 50% methanol to the mark, shake well, filter, and take the subsequent filtrate.
Determination method 测定法
Accurately suck 10μl of the reference solution and 5-20μl of the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
The content of chlorogenic acid (C16H18O9) in the drug, calculated on the dried basis, should not be less than 0.50%.
Hua Yinchen 花茵陈
Carry out the method for determination of content by high performance liquid chromatography <0512>.
Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test 色谱条件与系统适用性试验
Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the filling material; use acetonitrile-water (20:80) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength is 345nm. The theoretical number of plates calculated from the peak of scoparone should not be less than 2000.
Preparation of reference solution 对照品溶液的制备
Take an appropriate amount of scoparone reference substance, accurately weigh it, add methanol to make a solution containing 20μg per ml, and set aside.
Preparation of test solution 供试品溶液的制备
Take about 0.2g of the powder (passed through a No. 2 sieve), accurately weigh it, place it in a stoppered conical flask, accurately add 50ml of methanol, weigh it, heat under reflux for 40 minutes, cool, weigh it again, make up for the weight loss with methanol, shake well, centrifuge, and take the supernatant.
Determination method 测定法
Accurately suck 10μl of the reference solution and 10μl of the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and determine.
The content of scoparone (C11H10O4) in the drug, calculated on the dried basis, should not be less than 0.20%.
Prepared slices 饮片
Processing 炮制
Eliminate residual roots and impurities, rub or cut into pieces. Sieve Mian Yinchen to remove ash.
Property 性
Slightly cold.
Flavor 味
Bitter and pungent.
Meridian tropism 归经
Spleen, stomach, liver, and gallbladder meridians.
Actions 功能
To clear and eliminate damp-heat, promote bile flow, and alleviate jaundice.
Indications 主治
Used for jaundice with scanty urine, damp-heat syndrome, damp sores, and itching.
Dosage 用量
6-15g. For external use, use an appropriate amount.
Administration 用法
Decoction or fumigation and washing.
Storage 贮藏
Preserve in a cool and dry place, and protect from moisture.
Text reference: Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015 Edition)
Overview 概述
Virgate Wormwood Herb is the dried aerial part of Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit. or Artemisia capillaris Thunb. (Fam. Compositae). The drug is collected in spring when the seedling is 6-10 cm high, or in autumn when the bud is forming to the early stage of flowering, removed from foreign matter and older stem, and dried in the sun. The drug collected in spring is known as "Mianyinchen" and that collected in autumn is known as “Huayinchen”.
本品为菊科植物滨蒿Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit. 或茵陈蒿 Artemisia capillaris Thunb. 的干燥地上部分。春季幼苗高6~10cm时采收或秋季花蕾长成至花初开时采割,除去杂质和老茎,晒干。春季采收的习称“绵茵陈”,秋季采割的称“花茵陈”。
Description 性状
Identification 鉴别
Examination 检查
Water 水分
Not more than 12.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.
Extractives 浸出物
Assay 含量测定
It contains not less than 0.50 per cent of chlorogenic acid ( C16 H18 O9) , calculated with reference to the dried drug.
It contains not less than 0.20 per cent of scoparone (C11 H10 O4) , calculated with reference to the dried drug.##饮片 | Prepared slices
Mianyinchen 茵陈
Processing 炮制
Eliminate remains of roots and foreign matter, rub or cut into pieces. For Mianyinchen, sift to remove dust.
Property 性
Mild cold.
Flavor 味
Bitter and pungent.
Meridian tropism 归经
Spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder meridians.
Actions 功能
To clear and drain dampness-heat, disinhibit gallbladder and abate jaundice.
Indications 主治
Jaundice, scanty urination, dampness-warmth, summerheat-dampness, and itching caused by dampness sore.
Dosage 用量
6-15 g.
Administration 用法
Appropriate amount for topical application. It can be decocted for fuming-washing therapy.
Storage 贮藏
Preserve in a cool and dry place, and protect from moisture.
This product is the dried above-ground part of the plant Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit., a member of the Asteraceae family. It is harvested when the spring seedlings are 6 to 10 cm tall or when the autumn buds have grown to the point of just beginning to bloom. Impurities and old stems are removed and then dried. The spring harvest is commonly known as "Mian Yin Chen", while the autumn harvest is called "Hua Yin Chen".
本天然药材为菊科植物滨蒿Artemisia scoparia Waldst.etKit.的干燥地上部分。春季幼苗高6~10cm时采收或秋季花蕾长成至花初开时采割,除去杂质和老茎,晒干。春季采收的习称“绵茵陈”,秋季釆割的称“花茵陈”。