- 中国药典(2020年版)Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)创建于:更新于:
English text reference: Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)红粉HongfenHydrargyri Oxydum RubrumRed Mercuric Oxide概述 Overview
Red Mercuric Oxide is the red oxide of mercury (HgO).性状 Description
Red, orange-red, crystalline powder or scales; scales smooth and slightly lustrous on one side,rough on the other side. Powder, orange. Hard in texture, brittle; colour deepens on exposure to light. Odour, slight.鉴别 Identification
To 0.5 g of the powder add 10 ml of water, mix well, and add dropwise with stirring a sufficient quantity of hydrochloric acid until the solution shows the identification reaction for mercuric salts <0301>.检查 Examination
亚汞化合物 Submercurous compounds
To 0.5 g of the powder add 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, dissolve, and allow the solution to show a slight turbidity.氯化物 Chlorides
To 0.5 g of the powder add a sufficient quantity of water and 3 ml of nitric acid, dissolve, dilute with water to about 40 ml, and carry out the test for chlorides <0801>. The turbidity produced, when compared with that produced by 3 ml of the standard sodium chloride solution, does not exceed that produced by the latter (0.006%).含量测定 Assay
Weigh accurately about 0.2 g of the powder, dissolve in 25 ml of dilute nitric acid, dilute with water to 80 ml, add 2 ml of ammonium iron(III) sulfate TS as an indicator, and titrate with 0.1 mol/L ammonium thiocyanate VS. Each ml of 0.1 mol/L ammonium thiocyanate VS is equivalent to 10.83 mg of mercuric oxide (HgO).本品含氧化汞(HgO)不得少于99.0%。
The content of mercuric oxide (HgO) in the drug is not less than 99.0%.性 Property
Hot; highly toxic.味 Flavor
Pungent.归经 Meridian tropism
Enters the Lung and Spleen meridians.功能 Actions
To detoxify, eliminate pus, remove necrotic tissue, and promote tissue regeneration.主治 Indications
Used for carbuncles, furuncles, syphilitic chancres, all types of malignant sores, dark purple or black flesh, non-healing necrotic tissue, fistulas, atonic ulcers with copious discharge, and long-standing non-healing sores.用量 Dosage
For external use.用法 Administration
use an appropriate amount of finely powdered drug alone or in combination with other medicinal ingredients to make a powder or prepare a medicated thread.注意 Precautions
This drug is toxic and should only be used externally. It should not be taken orally, and prolonged external use is also not recommended. It is contraindicated for pregnant women.贮藏 Storage
Store in a dry place, protected from light, and in a tightly sealed container.审核通过审核人:张林 (ZHANG Lin)审核于: