Index | En | Zh | Explanation | Refs |
1 | plant | 全株 | References2 | |
2 | plant young | 幼株 | References2 | |
3 | herb | 全草 | Medicinal part. The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes in herbal medicine, referred to as the whole herb. | References2 |
4 | herb with flower | 带花全草 | References2 | |
5 | herb with fruit | 带果全草 | References2 | |
6 | herb with infructescence | 带果序全草 | References2 | |
7 | part aerial | 地上部 | The aboveground part | References2 |
8 | part aerial with fruit | 带果地上部 | References2 | |
9 | colony | 群落 | References2 | |
10 | seedling | 苗 | References2 | |
11 | seedling sick | 病苗 | References2 | |
12 | root | 根 | The medicinal part referred to is one of the nutritional organs of vascular plants, which is the underground part of the plant body developed from the embryonic root. | References2 |
13 | root young | 幼根 | References2 | |
14 | root old | 老根 | References2 | |
15 | root tender | 嫩根 | References2 | |
16 | root primary | 主根 | When the seed germinates, the root that grows vertically into the ground is formed by the division and elongation of the embryonic root cells. | References2 |
17 | root lateral | 侧根 | The roots that originate from the sheath part of the main root's interior. Their growth direction often forms a certain angle with the main root and can branch repeatedly. | References2 |
18 | root fine | 细根 | References2 | |
19 | root tip | 根尖 | References2 | |
20 | root adventitious | 不定根 | References2 | |
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