This NMM is the dried fruit peel of the palm plant Areca catechu L. Immature fruits are harvested from winter to early spring, boiled, then dried. They are split into two halves, and the fruit peel is peeled off, commonly known as "Wei-shu-da-fu-pi"; mature fruits are harvested from late spring to early autumn, boiled and dried, the fruit peel is peeled off, loosened, and sun-dried, commonly known as "Da-fu-mao".
根据《中国药典·2020年版·一部》记载:本天然药材为棕榈科植物槟榔Areca catechu L.的干燥果皮。冬季至次春采收未成熟的果实,煮后干燥,纵剖两瓣,剥取果皮,习称“未熟大腹皮”;春末至秋初采收成熟果实,煮后干燥,剥取果皮,打松,晒干,习称“大腹毛”。
NMM ID | nmm-008a |
Systematic Name | Areca catechu Pericarp-immature or Pericarp-mature |
Systematic Chinese Name | 槟榔未成熟果皮或成熟果皮(bīng láng wèi chéng shú guǒ pí huò chéng shú guǒ pí) |
Generic Name | Da-fu-pi |
Generic Chinese Name | 大腹皮(dà fù pí) |
NMM Type | plant |
Species Origins | Areca catechu | 槟榔 |
Medicinal Parts | pericarp immature | 未成熟果皮orpericarp mature | 成熟果皮 |
Special Descriptions | |
Processing Methods | |
Systematic Name Explanation | This NMM is the dried fruit peel of the palm plant Areca catechu L. Immature fruits are harvested from winter to early spring, boiled, then dried. They are split into two halves, and the fruit peel is peeled off, commonly known as "Wei-shu-da-fu-pi"; mature fruits are harvested from late spring to early autumn, boiled and dried, the fruit peel is peeled off, loosened, and sun-dried, commonly known as "Da-fu-mao". |
Generic Name Explanation | NMMGN follows the Chinese name of the relevant Chinese medicinal materials in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia: 2020 edition: Volume I. |
Parent NMM | |
Child NMMs | |
Creators | |
Reviewers |
English text reference: Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 Edition)
Overview 概述
Areca Peel is the dried pericarp of the fruit of Areca catechu L. (Fam. Palmae). The unripe fruit is collected in winter to early spring, boiled and dried, longitudinally split into two halves, and the pericarp is peeled off, known as "Dafupi"; the ripe fruit is collected in late spring to early autumn, boiled and dried, the pericarp is peeled off, loosened, and dried in the sun, known as "Dafumao".
本品为棕榈科植物槟榔Areca catechu L.的干燥果皮。冬季至次春采收未成熟的果实,煮后干燥,纵剖两瓣,剥取果皮,习称“大腹皮”;春末至秋初采收成熟果实,煮后干燥,剥取果皮,打松,晒干,习称“大腹毛”。
Description 性状
###大腹皮 | Dafupi
It is slightly oval or oblong-shaped, measuring 4-7 cm in length, 2-3.5 cm in width, and 0.2-0.5 cm in thickness. The outer pericarp is dark brown to nearly black, with irregular longitudinal wrinkles and raised transverse ridges. The top has the remnants of the stigma, and the base has the fruit stalk and remnants of the calyx. The inner pericarp is concave, brown or dark brown, smooth, and hard-shelled. It is light in weight and hard in texture. When longitudinally torn, the fibrous middle pericarp can be seen. It has a slight odor and a slightly astringent taste.
略呈椭圆形或长卵形瓢状,长4~7 cm,宽2~3. 5 cm,厚0. 2~0. 5 cm。外果皮深棕色至近黑色,具不规则的纵皱纹及隆起的横纹,顶端有花柱残痕,基部有果梗及残存萼片。内果皮凹陷,褐色或深棕色,光滑呈硬壳状。体轻,质硬,纵向撕裂后可见中果皮纤维。气微,味微涩。
###大腹毛 | Dafumao
It is slightly oval or gourd-shaped. The outer pericarp is mostly shed or remains. The middle pericarp is brown and hairy, yellowish-white or light brown, loose and soft in texture. The inner pericarp is hard-shelled, yellowish-brown or brown, with a smooth inner surface, and sometimes longitudinally cracked. It has a slight odor and a mild taste.
Identification 鉴别
(1) The powder of Dafupi is yellowish-white or yellowish-brown. The fibres of the middle pericarp are bundled, slender, with a diameter of 8-15 μm, slightly lignified, and have obvious pits. The surrounding cells contain round clusters of silica, with a diameter of about 8 μm. The cells of the inner pericarp are irregularly polygonal, nearly circular, or elliptical, with a diameter of 48-88 μm, and have obvious pits.
(1)本品粉末黄白色或黄棕色。中果皮纤维成束,细长,直径8~15 μm,微木化,纹孔明显,周围细胞中含有圆簇状硅质块,直径约8 μm。内果皮细胞呈不规则多角形、类圆形或椭圆形,直径48~88 μm,纹孔明显。
(2) Take 5 g of the powder, add 50 ml of methanol, sonicate for 30 minutes, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness, dissolve the residue in 2 ml of methanol, filter, and continue to filter to obtain the test solution. Take 5 g of the reference drug Dafupi, prepare the reference drug solution using the same method. Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography<0502>, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of chloroform-methanol-formic acid (7:0.1:0.02) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 5 μl of each of the above two solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry in air. Spray with a 10% solution of sulfuric acid in ethanol, heat at 105°C to the spots clear. Examine under ultraviolet light at 365 nm. The fluorescent spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and colour to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference drug solution.
(2)取本品粉末5 g,加甲醇50 ml,超声处理30分钟,滤过,滤液回收溶剂至干,加甲醇2 ml使溶解,滤过,取续滤液,作为供试品溶液。另取大腹皮对照药材5 g,同法制成对照药材溶液。照薄层色谱法(通则0502)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各5 μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以三氯甲烷-甲醇-甲酸(7∶0.1∶0.02)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%硫酸乙醇溶液,在105℃加热至斑点显色清晰,置紫外光灯(365 nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。
Examination 检查
Water 水分
Not more than 12.0 per cent <0832,method 2>.
Total ash 总灰分
Not more than 7.0 per cent <2302>.
Extractives 浸出物
Carry out the method for determination of ethanol-soluble Extractives <2201,the hot maceration method>, using diluted ethanol as the solvent,not less than 9.0 per cent.
Prepared slices 饮片
Dafupi 大腹皮
Processing 炮制
Eliminate Foreign matter,wash clean, cut into sections, and dry in the sun.
Identification 鉴别
Same as the crude drug.
Dafumao 大腹毛
Processing 炮制
Eliminate Foreign matter,wash clean, and dry in the sun.
Identification 鉴别
Same as the crude drug.
Property 性
Slightly warm.
Flavor 味
Meridian tropism 归经
Spleen, stomach, large intestine, and small intestine meridians.
Actions 功能
To promote qi circulation, regulate the middle burner, promote diuresis, and reduce edema.
Indications 主治
Dampness obstructing qi movement, distension and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, difficult defecation, edema and distension, edema in the lower limbs, and difficulty in urination.
Dosage 用量
5-10 g.
5~10 g。
Administration 用法
Storage 贮藏
Preserve in a dry place.
Text reference: Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015 Edition)
Overview 概述
Areca Peel is the dried pericarp of Areca catechu L. (Fam. Palmae). The drug is collected from winter to the next spring when the fruit is unripe, dried after boiled, cut longitudinally into two valves. The pericarp is peeled and known as "Dafupi". The ripe fruit is collected from late spring to early autumn when the fruit is ripe, dried after boiling. The pericarp is peeled, tapped to loosen, dried in the sun and known as "Dafumao".
本品为棕榈科植物槟榔Areca catechu L.的干燥果皮。冬季至次春采收未成熟的果实,煮后干燥,纵剖两瓣,剥取果皮,习称“大腹皮”;春末至秋初采收成熟果实,煮后干燥,剥取果皮,打松,晒干,习称"大腹毛”。
Description 性状
Dafupi Somewhat elliptical or long-ovate gourd-shaped, 4-7 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide, 2-5 mm thick. Epicarp deep brown to blackish, with irregular longitudinal wrinkles and raised transverse lines on the surface; style scars at apex and a fruit stalk and remains of calyx at the base. Endocarp dented, brown or deep brown, smooth and hard shell-shaped. Texture light and hard, mesocarp fibers visible when broken longitudinally. Odour, slight; taste, slightly astringent.
大腹皮 略呈椭圆形或长卵形瓢状,长4~7cm,宽2~3.5cm,厚0.2~0.5cm。外果皮深棕色至近黑色,具不规则的纵皱纹及隆起的横纹,顶端有花柱残痕,基部有果梗及残存萼片。内果皮凹陷,褐色或深棕色,光滑呈硬壳状。体轻,质硬,纵向撕裂后可见中果皮纤维。气微,味微涩。
Dafumao Somewhat elliptical or gourd-shaped. Epicarp mostly fallen off or remained. Mesocarp fibers yellowish-white or pale brown. Texture lax and soft. Endocarp hard shell-shaped, yellowish-brown or brown, inner surface smooth, sometimes broken in longitudinal. Odour, slight; taste, weak.
大腹毛 略呈橢圆形或瓢状。外果皮多已脱落或残存。中果皮棕毛状,黄白色或淡棕色,疏松质柔。内果皮硬壳状,黄棕色或棕色,内表面光滑,有时纵向破裂。气微,味淡。
Identification 鉴别
Powder: Yellowish-white or yellowish-brown. Mesocarp fibers in bundles, fine and long, 8-15 μm in diameter, slightly lignified, pits visible; surrounding cells of fiber bundles containing silica body, cluster-shaped, about 8μm in diameter. Endocarp cells irregular polygonal, subrounded or elliptical, 48-88μm in diameter, and pits visible.
Examination 检查
Water 水分
Not more than 12.0 per cent <0832, method 2>.
Prepared slices 饮片
Areca Peel 大腹皮
Processing 炮制
Eliminate foreign matter, wash clean, cut into sections, and dry.
Identification 鉴别
As required for the crude drug.
Dafumao 大腹毛
Processing 炮制
Eliminate the foreign matter, wash clean, and dry.
Identification 鉴别
As required for the crude drug.
Property 性
Mild warm; pungent.
Flavor 味
Slightly astringent.
Meridian tropism 归经
Spleen, stomach, large intestine, and small intestine meridians.
Actions 功能
To move qi, soothe the middle, move water, and alleviate edema.
Indications 主治
Dampness obstruction and qi stagnation, distention and oppression in the epigastrium and abdomen, ungratifying defecation, edema with distention and fullness, edema of foot, and inhibited urination.
Dosage 用量
5-10 g.
Storage 贮藏
Preserve in a dry place.
This product is the dried fruit peel of the palm plant Areca catechu L. Immature fruits are harvested from winter to early spring, boiled and dried, split into two halves, and the fruit peel is removed, commonly known as "big belly skin". Mature fruits are harvested from late spring to early autumn, boiled and dried, the fruit peel is removed, loosened, sun-dried, commonly known as "big belly hair".
本天然药材为棕榈科植物槟榔Areca catechu L.的干燥果皮。冬季至次春采收未成熟的果实,煮后干燥,纵剖两瓣,剥取果皮,习称“大腹皮”;春末至秋初采收成熟果实,煮后干燥,剥取果皮,打松,晒干,习称“大腹毛”。